Terms Of Service

Posted 11 months, 22 days ago by Bisho_Birb

My work is created with the intent for personal use only.
Any use outside personal fun requires additional agreements.
Overall if I draw you something please enjoy and have fun! I simply ask to not be exploited.

I am not responsible for the actions of those I draw for.
I love drawing others' ocs and am not always up to date with people's personal choices. If you have issue with someone I've drawn for, please do not drag me into it. Most likely I am unaware or was unaware of an issue when I made the drawing. 
I am simply here to share art. Thank you for respecting my space.

- My work may not be used commercially, for profit, or to increase the value of a character in situations of resale.
- My work may not be used in mediums that are monetized or gain profit:
  (e.g. monetized youtube channels/videos, monetized tiktok videos or streams, promotional content, etc.)
- I do not claim ownership of other's characters, I do retain full copyright to the work I draw.
- I do not pass on copyright of my work to others.
- Licensing and commercial usage requires further discussion.
- You may not use my work in investment or crypto spaces, such as minting NFTs.
- You may not use my work to train or feed AI.
- Do not remove any watermarks or signatures.
- Do not use my work for harm or hateful content.


You may use my work as profile decoration, avatars, and re-upload to personal galleries.
When re-uploading please give credit when possible.
You may use my work for any kind of rp and nsfw settings.
You are welcome to manipulate/transform/edit my drawings as long as it does not break my TOS.
- If I've drawn something and you want to commission someone else to develop it more, talk with me first.
Additionally I don't mind others tracing or referencing my work for learning/fun. I appreciate credit back if posting.
  (Please do not trace my work when working on commissions or commercial projects, thanks!)

If anything is unclear please ask, happy to clarify


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