Terms Of Service (T.O.S.)

Posted 11 months, 24 days ago by EyeOfVoid

Please carefully read the following:

 ╰➤ ❝ [Credit me when you use my art (whether showing off art I did for your character or using my design for a project) no matter what. If you plan on drawing the character I designed for you casually, however, I don't mind not being credited for the design every time you post but I will ask you to clarify you did not create the character if someone asks or assumes so.] ❞

Asking For Art
╰➤ ❝ [I don't do free art unless initiate it. I got a pretty hectic life as of rn, so unless I'm willing to set aside time to doodle a character I think is just too cool not to draw, I do not want to be bothered about it. As for commissions, they're open when they're open (unless you, for some reason, REALLY need a comm from me and are willing to pay extra). ] ❞

Selling/Gifting/Trading/Altering My Designs
╰➤ ❝ [I would prefer if you didn't sell my character design for more than the price you got from me unless you had commissions of them done to raise the price/worth. And please also refrain from "deleting the character from existence", but instead give or trade it to someone else. I'd rather someone else give them a good home instead of the character being unused for years at a time. Please also have them link the character credits back to me when you hand them off. And yes, you may change as many things about the designs as desired but try not to make them look like a whole different character. And please have them link the character credits back to me when you hand them off.] ❞

Use Of Art/Designs
╰➤ ❝ [You can pretty much use my art/designs anywhere and anyhow, BUT possible direct commercial use will need to be discussed. If in the foreseeable future, you see yourself using my art or character designs for merchandise or profitable projects, the price will be altered to compensate for that. Legalities and all that.
However, one thing I will NOT permit you to use my art/designs whatsoever is any form of hate or generally immoral things. Any depiction of pedophilia, racism, transphobia, homophobia, "threat art" or whatnot will result in a block from me and other consequences.] ❞

Thank you for your time, have a gorgeous day   


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