Posted 11 months, 4 days ago by SKOROZE

ARTIFIGHT IS BACK ON YEAH!!! To commemorate my favourite sona ever Jess I've joined team werewolf :] (sorry emos...)

Characters that I want people to draw are on this tag, the same one I use as a foreverhomed tag! Revenges really depend on my queue, but for now, as I always do, I prioritize group/interaction attacks and mutuals over normal revenges. I don't give everyone in SKOS GANG an Art Fight profile to prevent overcrowding, so feel free to use the "Other OCs" tag when drawing them, it should be the very last one in my characters list.

Ya that's all!!! If you have band OCs or generally cool OCs that match my aesthetic shoot 'em in the comments below and I might draw 'em :]

Look at my dumb son Ralph he's the guy ever


YOUR ARTSTYLE IS SO COOL!! i do have this guy has very silly

Grabs you 

Watch out!6dcwbh.png