artfight [🐺] & activity!

Posted 11 months, 5 days ago by startle

which af team r u on

29 Votes werewolves [awooo!!]
22 Votes vampires [what noise do they make ummmm....]
1 Votes im not doing af this year [zzzzz...]

hello everyone!!

so as you may already be aware i am currently in the throes of my inactivity-due-to-working-at-a-rural-summercamp era. however, i have had it confirmed that i do indeed have two weeks off this summer -- and they're both during july! >:3 [ <- this was on purpose on my part... ]

the weeks i have off are from July 2nd [today] to July 8 July 16th to July 22!

it may take me a bit after camp to recover from the week so i'll probably be pretty unresponsive the first couple of days after i get back -- bc when i say i need to recover, i mean i need to recover, mentally and physically. working with kids 22/7 in the tick-and-mosquito-infested horrific-air-quality thorny incredibly hot woods while also hiking around and doing a ton of manual labor and chores etc while you have POTS and asthma and etc etc is (and i cannot emphasize this enough) exhausting on a whole other level. last week i came back sick and feverish; i'm doing a bit better this week but i'm fairly sure i've broken my 82 bug bite in one week record lmfao. and the blisters.... :(

anyways all that to say that if i'm not responsive for a bit on my weeks off i am very sorry. at the very least i'm usually able to get some art done & speaking of which... 

i am actually going to be able to participate in artfight this year!!! [ because i have two weeks off! ]

I am on Team Werewolf but I will probably friendly-fire a few people & am definitely willing to friendly-fire-revenge others! I'm really going to try my hardest this year to actually revenge people & I have a mental hitlist already >:3 If you wanna be struck.... I am open to attack!

Here is my AF profile!

I know my character permissions & descriptions are very long but I promise it's all very regular stuff. Just don't be an asshat & you should probably be fine lmfao.

If you can draw humans I prefer my human characters being attacked BUT if you can't draw humans then attacking my feline/feral/SB characters is definitely alright in my book!  

I'm also going to try my best to do attacks on the half-day I have off on the 29th but I may be unable to & I am very sorry about that. You probably shouldn't expect much communication from me on Saturdays even though I have them off for aforementioned reasons of exhaustion lol. 

Here are the two attacks I've done thus far!


the sorts of art/attacks that i love doing (& honestly getting) the most are character interaction or ship art pieces &or art that ties into a complicated story a character has! so that's mostly what you're gonna be seeing from me this year :Px


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AHH THANK U im still recoverig but hopefully is hould be up to social like in a day or two .,.. those cjhildren man..... BUT IM SO GLAD U LKED THE DUSKFALL <33

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aww wow tysm!! and you're right oml how could i fogret bleh bleh bleh... 

Huh I wonder who is in that first gorgeous attack above 👀 Jk but honestly tysm again!! I love them so much

yeah ofc, no problem !! <33