hi hi! It has been brought to my attention that a lot of people are heavily referencing my designs to the point where they almost look the same.

I don't mean this in a rude way and I ask you kindly, please don't do this...

I don't mind you taking inspiration and referencing my work for anything, by all means, do so! but when it crosses the line where you can't tell apart one from the other, it's a bit of an issue.

Not only does it make me a bit uncomfortable, but in the case of designs, sometimes they are characters that don't even belong to me, and it doesn't feel nice to get your character stolen or ripped off.

again, you are very much free to take inspiration from me, but try to maybe put your own spin on it and create something new with it :>💞💞


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i get that people admire certain creators but sometimes it goes way overboard, i'm sorry it's happening to you :(

it's honestly super sad to see people sometimes just ride off of someone elses years of hard work and getting to where they are,, i really hope whoever makes those copies stops.

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Yeah it has been happening a lot lately, it's upsetting that artists have to deal with thievery and copies so damn much , but it is what it is i suppose! We can only hope :> 

Aa im very happy you like my designs!! And its insane you'd even be saving to get one 😭 it really means a lot and it's so so sweet of you!!

(( i do yes!! Im hoping to open them very soon, i just want to set up somewhere where people can see examples and prices easily :>  like a carrd and such ))