Closed Species idea…poll

Posted 11 months, 11 days ago by cowboie

Are you interested in a closed species from me? :o

15 Votes Omg yes yes
4 Votes Not at the moment (this will not hurt my feelings)

hi im back from my surgery and I'm a little loopy form them meds I'm on so if there are any typos I apologize!

ANYWAYY few days ago a cute cs idea came to me but I was wondering if ppl would be interested,, I'm very reluctant to give the idea bc I doing want ppl to like..take it and do it b4 I can yk? oTL (now it's not the most original thing in the world by any means! But I liked the ideaaaa)

They're gonna be humanoid and fantasy based,  they probably won't be available for USD for a bit, i’d probably make them obtainable via species currency and raffles, (i’d definitely hold a myo event if y'all show interest!! :3) all that niceness (at least while they're in the wip stage)

I'm still working on them as a whole bc rn they're just a concept! I'm more than willing to blab abt them to my moots + auth’d ppl if any of you would like to hear abt them and possibly give me ideas/constructive criticism, I'm all ears :3 (im not asking, im begging) + I don't wanna open them up to the public and no one be interested in them yk! (if people don't show interest in them tho i’ll just use the idea for personal use! :3)

I FEEL BAD BC I RLLY WANNA BE OPEN ABT THE IDEA,, I'm just a very paranoid person 😭

If I do decide to make them into a public species you all will definitely be the first to hear any them considering I'm obsessed w/ this idea! I’d just like to get down a somewhat sable foundation before opening them up to everyone to enjoy  :3 

Basically I'm asking if y'all would be interested in a cs from me!


Personally I never got invested in cs but if you’re makin one I’m definitely willing to get invested 🫵 

and secondly HOPE YOU FEEL LESS LOOPY NOW and hope everything is alright 💗 


tbh idm talking about them w/ you sense we’ve talked in the dms b4!! :3

OO I WOULD LIKE THAT it would be an honor frfr so yeah feel to drop the lore 



Personally it highly depends on traits and what kinda MYO we get. I am less likely to join an event for common MYO only. But in general, fantasy humanoids is something I enjoy.

The only thing I will not be doing is grinding with art to buy species things - I'm slow and can't justify doing 5 months worth of art to get a common MYO. Additionally, I will not participate in species where Discord is required. Other than that tho, I'm all for species!

waa i get that!! i dont think that i’d made art the only way to obtain these guys seeing as thats rlly tedious and kinda annoying 😭🙏, like i said it’ll probably be through raffles, myo events and species currency for the first few stages of their existence (until i get confident enough w/ the idea of adding other ways of payment!) !!

 i will say tho, if i end up going through w/ these guys a discord server is probably gonna be on my priority list as its much easier for me to manage things on there. this doesn’t mean the species will be like,, discord exclusive,,, buuut a discord server would be a huge help for me personally! plus i rlly like interacting w/ ppl oTL !! but i can totally understand + respect that discord may not be your thing!! 

Yeah honestly so long as MYOs are like.. scarce unless you are paying $ or lots of art, it's all good ^^ Raffles, events, etc are always nice!

As for Discord, I do hope to join species discords, I'm just very reserved & anxious about it and will take ages to feel mentally ready for a new server, if that makes sense. So having the option to join a species without joining a server is fairly important to me. But honestly it's all good if you just prefer it, I know it is much easier to organize and all.

oh yea i totally get that!! i dont think i’ll make the discord a requirement bc im also a very anxious person so ik it can be rlly hard joining server n’ stuff!! but there would definitely be perks to joining it, one of those being much faster replies from me personally as i use discord a lot oTL

 i rlly appreciate this feedback tho !! it means a lot!! i want to try to create an environment where everyone feels welcome and this will definitely help me do that!! :3

Humanoid + fantasy based (two of my favs!)

I’d be interested, if/when you decide to make it public ^^ and it’s totally understandable to keep it under wraps cuz you never know!

Hope the surgery went well and your doing good ❤️

WAAA im very glad you're interested!! it makes me feel a lot better abt working the details out and making them public !!