promote ur humanoid designs

Posted 11 months, 19 days ago by feyries

if you guys have any <3
if your looking for art/trades/USD etc just link em all :3
im looking for a possible persona/eventual fun lil vtuber


there's some here: it's a mix of ones that i have up for trade that i previously owned, and some designs that i have up for sale.

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OHH you always have such pretty designs hrghrghrr
i didnt see anyone i'd use but for sure when i possibly get some money saved up there are some guys that i'd love to get 🥺

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yeahh its always the same guys 🙈 (definitely one im considering saving up for)

i'd offer art but im way too swamped rn with due art & commissions on top of artfight also going on sobs
BUT if anyone catches ur eye here lmk

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its all good, i completely understand! ive been super busy with work & generally hanging out w friends recently sobs
but yeah! i actually have a few commissions coming in so i wouldn't be able to send anything now unfortunately, but would most likely be able to next week if thats still okay hold wise ! (and ofc you dont really have to hold either if someone else comes along and offers bc i completely understand that!)

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i'll consider offers on charas here ^ ^ and shes ufo

oHH the designs are super pretty but i wouldnt use any of them sobs

no worries ty for lmk >:3c

ya ofc ofc!! :3

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pretty much everybody here is ufo ! only offlimits is 00, mainly looking 4 trades :)

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Ohh shes so cute but I don't think that I would use her unfortunately ;0;

I am however interested in #3 here
i can do usd since i know it says bid !
but i can also offer trades or art, whatever you'd prefer

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i'd be fine w offering anything then ! :3
for trades i could possibly do anyone here:
also have some guys here but might be tent on certain ones !

and if you'd be more interested in art i could offer a shaded fullbody?

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i could totally do both of them tbh i dont use either !

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