BIG UPDATE: if you join before the end of june you'll be added to a raffle for a legendary staropod!

sdifkjgnjsd ur first staropod is always free 2 make! common traits only, but traits can be traded out at a later date ! some of the traits are getting traded out and updated, some new things are being added, the sheets are gonna be completely remade... 

but almost all the info stays the same! i really miss drawing these babies n drawing in the style i am makes me REALLY wanna draw more 

you can get a rare trait slot or two uncommon if u send out a bulletin on here sharin the info! 

theres also a da group, but ill be making a public journal about this in a few days when i get more info down wwhqh

the discord server in which i will be making active again:
UPDATE: all news will be added to the discord before coming to toyhouse, before going to da!

da group which will be more active:

the th character whichll probably be made a world or bulletin at a later date:
UPDATE: the world!

trait sheets we have done so far:

the mini n jumbo staropods are rare!


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