Commissions CLOSED

Posted 10 months, 28 days ago by XUWVA

Heya! I'm opening a few commission slots as I'm currently on vacations and I wanna use that time for comms:3 

Also shameless promo, my new instagram account is rom.b0x   will be posting on there soon! 

You can read all my TOS here! 
Please comment below or send me a DM to claim a slot! Don't forget to check the "How to order" section on my website :D

Experimental headshots




1. tapibroca
2. griimslyy

Experimental Chibis




1. _wrxn
2. anonymous


I know I just claimed one, but if there’s more spots I’d love to claim in the future HEHDJCCM

YESSSS OFC!!! I WILL let you know once i have more time for more slots:3 


Would love to be pinged as well! 🥺

For sure!   


I can let you know once I open more! :D

id love to be pinged when these reopen!! 🥺

For sure   

Can u lmk when u opened as well!

I can take another comm if you're still interested :3

Definately interested in a chibi if ur still open🥹

For sure!! you can send me a note whenever you have time   


naurrrrr i missed out

psst, i can let you know when i open more   


that'd be so wonderful 😭😭😭♥

Ahhh I missed would you consider a pinglist for future comms?

I can let you know through here when I'm done!!   

Thank you ❤️❤️❤️

Heya! I have another slot if you're still interested   

Sending a dm with the form ❤️ it’s 1 am here so apologies if I don’t respond until tomorrow! 

SO SAD I MISSED IT WTF, if by any chance they open or your taking one more pls pls let me know 🥺🫶

FOR SURE!!! Will reply to ur comment as soon as I'm done with these :D

I got another slot open if you'd like! :D

YES OMG could i get a headshot !!!

may i claim a headshot! oops if its open still^

Hello, yes! it's still open    you can send me a note with the info of your commission! thank you so much for commissioning me   

i would love a chibi slot! ill edit this comment with the form in just a sec

edit: sdjkdfg will dm shortly

That's okay!! please send me the form on a DM! thank you so much for commissioning me :3 

would love to claim a headshot slot!!

Of course! Please send me the commission form on a note! thank you so much