special interest base v4....

Posted 1 year, 2 months ago by HexHaunt

hi hello im considering making a part four but idk if itd be wanted... i noticed that the first two hit one thousand favorites and like lost it. but the third one didnt do aswell i think its at 850 idk? ok so im thinking about making a new one but i need ideas so what im thinkin is once all 3 get 1000 ill have the fourth one ready and even do a raffle for it? if you have any idead or requests i might do a few different ones even hehe

ok thats all bye




Ohh yes yes bring it on please 🤲


its 3 am and i wanted to put a picture of this demon tumor baby  in the post for no reason but i guess you cant use spoilers on mobile wait what if i turn my phone sideways FUXK YEAH omg guys fuck you look at gabriel


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