updated a bunch of character sales!

Posted 1 year, 2 months ago by feyries


just wanna clear out a bunch of them :3
honestly am super down to bundle characters if u like multiple but are tent


would anyone in my th interest you for https://toyhou.se/14773933.offer? 
if not i can also do art!
(my examples,, https://toyhou.se/19092111.art-examples/gallery)

unfortunately i didn't see anyone, but i would definitely be interested in art! 0:

would maybe a full and a headshot interest you then? i can add more if you’d like! 

yeah I'd accept that!

alr!! wanna dm further about it on discord? 

( tag is sssage_)

yeah ill send a request !

https://toyhou.se/9726705.40-offer feel free to look through my th to see if anyone would interest you for them! I will let you know if anyone you like is off limits, I can also offer money but I'd have to think about it for a little bit ^^

i really liked these guys! i might have to think a bit on a trade w any of them tho just bc of the art difference if thats okay!




I could do the last two! I also don't mind adding on art (a bust, they cost $15-20) or $15-20 :]

i'd be fine w/ that! i can go ahead and transfer now <3
ad-on wise you can either draw anyone from here outside of cedarspring bc they need a new ref https://toyhou.se/honeybree/characters/folder:4282444
or anyone here https://toyhou.se/honeybree/characters/folder:4282447 (just choose whoever you would most like to draw etc! :3)
otherwise you can do the $15 !

transferred the two characters! I would love to draw Mothdream, do you have any expression in mind?

no expressions in mind, just as long as its dreamy/sleepy/relaxed looking! <3

6 Replies

uu does anyone in my th interest u for them, the coral reef folder is nfs.

if not lmk and i can do the 5^^

i didnt see anyone unfortunately, but if you'd still like them you can send it to [email protected] and i can transfer asap!

should be sent! ^^

tysm!! ^-^

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im trading the second one but i can totally do the first one if you'd still be interested!

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yeah yeah ofc!
could you draw https://toyhou.se/4659745.rat#66882676 ? :D
if you want to draw an outfit anything grunge/punk/alternative vibes would work !

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alright! take all of the time you need!!

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its okay so sorry abt the late response ive been at work all day sobs. transferring now!