This new folder being made will be listed as prohibited, if you want permission to it please message me to ask. It is restricted to people that I'm doing with specifically with characters in this world I created and have been working on for a bit now.

Some new characters will being uploaded into this folder and it's subsections, as well as a chunk of characters being moved into here as well. So if some you favorited before are no longer viewable this is the case.

I am doing this because I really like the world lore that's coming out and currently I only feel comfortable sharing it with friends, people I trust, or are rping with me with said world and characters. Please understand, and again if you'd like access to still seeing the characters followed before send me a message and we cna discuss reasons for wanting access and solutions so you can still watch them even if not seeing all of the folders contents

Small off the head list of some of the moving characters. More so a list to help me keep track of what I want to do.


For sure moving:




-Unamed ATM Faerie(Celsest's brother)




??Possiblity moving??:









-unanamed xolotl type fae









-Fang Yi(hard maybe)

-Taryn(hard maybe but less hard then Fang Yi)


Need to upload/design:

-Iku and Dei

-demons brother adopts

-Oz's brother

-elf girl(twin to Domi's elfboy)




-human male(possible maybe for Arufell)

-possible other Chara's/NPCs(I say this like I'm not gonna fall in love with my npc side characters and they'll end up as characters anyway..)


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