YEEHAW I'm entering a raffle for This gorgeous character here!! LOOOVE this person's designs, they're so fun ;o; Though unlikely I'll win, considering how many entries there are, I SHALL TRY DESPITE IT..!!! 

Also that aside, because I don't like just makin' tiny bulletins just for the sake of entering for something.. How're you all doin? :] I'm currently swamped with work and Art Fight is kicking my ASS but hopefully I'll get to drawing some revenges n things soon......... I'm extremely grateful for all the attacks I've gotten thus far! Even if I haven't commented on some pieces yet I do very much plan to ;o;
I hope you guys're having a lovely Friday!! It's been super sunny and extremely hot/humid here (about 30C on some days, which is 86F) but it's gunna RAIN all weekend so I'm pretty pumped for that, hough

Anyhow, take care out there n have a lovely weekend!! Thanks for stoppin' by :D


Art Fight is fun for me too, but I more worried about breaking even between my sent attacks & received defenses. Idk if that's feasible this year but I'm gonna try!! I have SO MANY CHARACTERS I wanna draw!!

And oh man, be glad you're not in Texas. I'm getting up to 112°F weather here (44°C) but that's only at it's absolute worst so far.

hAH GOOD LUCK CAPT!!! I believe in you!! >:D Don't burn yourself out though or nothin!

and wOW oh my gosh that's some incredible temperatures D: We've definitely never gotten something like that here!! Around here in the summer, 20C to 25C (68F to 77F) are more regular temperatures, we definitely don't get hot temperatures like you do! gkjSNFDKJLFNSD DAMN

I also feel the overwhelming stress from work and trying to art recently jsjfiajdh, I believe in you though! Hopefully things relax do that you can have fun with funky doodles for people

And I don’t know why this summer has been so crazy, even where I am up north it’s been like 30-32 C with the cursed humidity of the rainforest environment I live in 😭 I hope that it doesn’t get worse from here like… please chill out sun.. let us rest

hAH gosh thank you!! gODSPEED TO YOU AS WELL I hope you can be Freed from work stress, too!! 

aND I KNOW RIGHT?? I'd heard that this summer was supposed to be an especially hot one, but MAN. I live out by the shore and it's Still bad- the fact you live in a rainforest-like environment I can't imaGINE THE HUMIDITY oh my gOD I salute u. stay strong.....