Aaaw I'm sorry D':

Posted 10 months, 23 days ago by VallSh

I need to apologize QAQ

I totally missed the date that I was going to post, I'm sorry I misinformed all of you qq

I thought it was already 15th @-@

I promise I won't make mistake like this again

If cause of my mistake you couldn't participate please tell me, I'll try to make another one gacha like this so it would be fair... Or if you'd like smthing like this in the future I'd still like to hear, I still wasn't sure that this one would go so well so I'm shocked @-@


Hey don't worry these things happen ^^

I still feel that I needed to apologize but thank you for understanding :<

It's very easy to get the days mixed up this time of year! Especially I think with many people being busy with artfight, I think it gets hard to keep track. I think most people will hopefully be understanding!

thank you >< I really appreciate!

it's ok! mistakes happen sometimes ^^
I'd definitely look forward to another gacha from you! your designs and art are always so lovely!   

aww thank you QQ and for understanding, I was shoked and nervous when I realized...