discord :3

Posted 1 year, 2 months ago by feyries

if there are any mutuals who want my personal discord since im mainly using my old one for commissions/art etc, lmk!
(i am always down making new friends too as long as ur 19+)


I’d love to join if that’s cool with you! ❤️

Hi hiiii I would LOVE to join if you're comfortable with it ♡

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hehe fixed that :3
but yeah its honestly super nice so that my dms dont get swamped
still waiting for the day discord makes a favorites feature like skype :"]

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yeahh im just way too adhd guh to even attempt to promote my stuff all of the time :']
but yah! i have trouble remembering to like respond on discord sometimes bc of the adhd BUT i try my best

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yeah!! i actually added u on my main bc i was too lazy to use my other so HGDGDHVBD

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