umm as the title states... ocs here up for offer for reg dainty slots. would only be looking for multiple for the ocs with higher worths, or a slot/s with add ons (those with worths in their names, byte, possibly cabinet), but would happily take a single slot for other ocs ^__^

i can also offer pixel art (up to one pagedoll + one 100x100 blinking fullbody icon, more if youre looking for smaller pieces)

umm ya thats it ^__^ thanks!


i could offer 2 slots for byte if that interests you!

this is tempting but after thinking it over im probably more likely to use byte than the two reg slots!! thank you so much though :]

Would you do three 50x50 fullbody pixels for a reg slot?

yeah!! more than happy to ^__^

I dont have a reg one, but would u consider a cb one for ? :'0

unfortunately theyre pending, but ty for the interest !!