
First things first is Authorization! I'm going to start thumbnailing most/if not all of my images (save for reference sheets/adopts) outside of authorized users! If you'd like to be authorized check this tab out:

I also have an official art & custom trade hub so that you can comment & get picked whenever I feel up to it!

Lastly, I decided to upload a bunch of scrapped designs & sketches! They're all open to any offers!


I would love to be authorized <:3 sorry for commenting here, wasn't able to find where to comment on the auth tab ;;

its all good, you've been authed! c:

This user is not visible to guests.

OHH yeah the tabs  have a link to where to comment! i parenthesized them to make it a bit easier to see!
& also authed! :eye:

This user is not visible to guests.


Heyo! ATM can't comment on the auth one!

no worries, you've been authorized! <3

Oh thank you! I'll also take a look at the sketch designs later too, excited even if art offers are picky!