AF mass attack!! (GIVE ME YOUR OCS !)

Posted 10 months, 5 days ago by Arkeine

hiii!! Working on a coffee shop mass attack! 

I have no charecters for this so far! The drawn are just basically inserts for where I want to add in charecters !

Send me ocs from either team !! Just for fun :3



I’ve got a handful on anthro ocs to chose from!! :0 *drops my AF and runs*

*picks up your AF* !!

OOO UHH maybe this guy? :0 If not i have some ocs here! [the first three r the ones with designs, if u do include any of those three, u can tag em under this character!]

ty for the chance!

im grabbing soren and runnin g ty !!

Yw! :0

Have fun with my beans! I honestly don't care who you draw:3

whats ur AF :0