second (and LAST, okay??) artfight pmv

Posted 10 months, 16 days ago by startle

flower symbolism...

4 Votes i LOVE flower symbolism i put it in ALL my art
19 Votes i love it in THEORY but i hate drawing flowers (felt)
4 Votes i love it in THEORY but can never find a good source on symbolism (wikipedia!!)
5 Votes i've never thought about it before honestly
2 Votes i've considered it and it sounds like too much effort
0 Votes i hate symbolism on principle just say what you mean !!!!
1 Votes other?? (comment...)

I'm ashamed to say this... but I did it again :(


i'd love a comment or two for algorithm purposes... :3 they don't have to be any sort of actual feedback!! maybe tell me about what your favorite flower is or something?

no more pmvs for me though guys, sorry. im back to camp tomorrow for another week. maybe i'll make an attack or two over the weekend but my artfight is likely dying.... still, i think i did pretty good this year all things considered!


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my favorite flowers are daffodils/dandelions !! :D also that looks so pretty oh ma gah

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lmfaooo omg so real i love flower symbolism a lot because its just niche enough to be past the view of others but known enough that people can get the gist by looking into it, however i definitely agree !! i love posing specifically as something that gets symbolism across, or like hiding shapes in background details etc?? so fun ! <3

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I like flower symbolism it's awesome but also it's hard to draw flowers and make them look like the flower they are meant to be

SO FUCKING TRUE i agree hardcore i think it gets easier the more into like. Plant ID you get but that might honestly make it harder esp because i don't have 12 hours in a day to make sure the leaves are in the proper alternating pattern you know lmfaoo?? i think the easiest way to figure that out is to look at like scientific diagrams of them but even then its definitely a struggle ://

I like it and draw it when it makes sense but I’m bad at flowers :,0 so I don’t draw it a lot.

i relate so much i hate drawing flowers with a passion that grows every time i have to draw them again lmfaoo