I've never been the most active here, or anywhere, really, but it turns out that some people follow me here, including friends. I thought I'd put this out here for the sake of Maybe keeping people in the loop.

you may have noticed that I haven't uploaded anything here in a good couple of months. I've been kept busy with projects outside the art world. to be completely honest, I haven't drawn as much at all, nor have I written anything relating to my characters. I fell into a weird hole where I wouldn't talk much to the people I know from here for weeks, if not longer. I want to change that but I'm not sure how successful that'll be. I don't want to give promises I can't fulfill. 

you could say that I found a new home on the internet. I've never felt like I belonged to one particular community, no matter where I'd look or how supportive the people in said communities would be. this time it feels different, though. I don't know what exactly is different, but it feels like I'm actually a part of something bigger. it's weird.

it's a shame it doesn't leave me with much time to draw or write. I guess all good things come at a price.

Anyways, How Have You Guys Been™?


glad to hear from you and that you feel like you belongs somewhere :D hope to see your stuff soon if ya want to upload n such!
im alright personally, the best ive ever been!! 

Glad to hear from you, Daughter of Todd. Stay safe and keep in touch.


I'm not doing poorly and that's all that matters atm! I hope you've been doing well too. America seems to be on fire rn and it don't stop coming, and it don't stop coming, and it don't stop coming

on a lighter note! I don't think I ever commented on your new handle! it suits you and your most recent art very well. it all has this Dreamy quality to it, especially the low-contrast color palettes. Poetic Cinema

HEHEHE THANK YOU!! and YEAH the cops are going fucking bonkers here so i'm glad there's some sort of backlash for it jhbdfkjhdfkj

Ala!! I've missed you ;w; I'm doing well and I hope you are too!!💜

aaaa, it's good to hear from you too Lulu! I'm glad you've been doing well.   if you ever want to talk, you can hit me up on Discord. I'm pretty sure we still have each other added there

god I need to be more active in Places