Commission info and TOS

Posted 10 months, 23 days ago by SlumberyTea

SlumberyTeas commission info 

(Please read before commissioning me)



-fullbody: $60

-halfbody: $40

-headshot: $30

-addons +$15

-sketchy fullbody: $40

-sketchy halfbody: $30

-sketchy headshot: $20

-add ons +$15

-chibi: $10


-base price $50

-add ons +$15

(Add ons are anything that is not attached to the character, for example if you wanted a headshot in a ref or a characters pet that would be an add on)

(If you want another character in the piece then the base price will double)



-do not claim my art as your own

-I have the right to refuse service from anyone

-when using my art you must credit me

-do not claim something you haven’t payed for

-my art man not be modified or edited in any way, unless done by myself

-my art may not be used for commercial purposes, you cannot profit from my artwork in any way

-do not use my art for anything racist, homophobic, xenophobic, transphobic etc.

-finished commissions are for the commissioners use only (do not use unless you payed for the art)

-no refunds (unless it’s been a month with no sketch completed)

-line art is final (meaning after I start the line art I will not be changing anything about the lines, customs are an exception of corse but only with color.)

-do not sell my designs for more than you obtained them for. However commissioned art does add to the value of the character.

-please do not bother me for updates or the finished date of the art or design. (Unless it’s been a month with no updates)

-I accept payment upfront to avoid scams (if you are uncomfortable with this then I will allow half upfront and half upon completion) (this also excludes rendered art, because I charge by the hour for rendered pieces I expect a deposit up front, then the rest of the $ upon completion)

-if any of my rules are broken you will be graylisted, repeating to not follow them will result in me blacklisting you. You get 3 strikes then you’re on the black list. (I reserve the right to blacklist you at any time)

-auto blacklist actions include: being racist, homophobic, xenophobic, transphobic etc. Claiming my art as your own. (I can and will add more to this list)

-blacklisted people my NOT use my art or own my designs. Additionally if you are black listed you will have to give me any designs of mine that you own, I will not be compensating you for this. My rules are clear and if you break them you are at fault




What I will draw




-artistic nudity (will cost more)

What I won’t draw

-Heavy NSFW

-IRL people ships

-pro shipping content

-dsmp content or ocs

-hasbin hotel content or ocs

How to contact me

Please contact me through one of these platforms

-discord (slumberytea#2680

-Instagram (@/slumbery_tea

-Twitter (@SlumberyTea

If you have any questions don’t be afraid to ask


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