Re-opening MYO Event (ends 1st July)

Posted 4 years, 10 days ago by Copilot


First and foremost, Staropods are a semi-open species which means that your first MYO is 100% free! However, since this is a re-opening event, we will be allowing users to get a rare trait slot or two uncommon traits to use on their first free MYO!

So how do you access this? Simple...
i. Join the group
ii. Promo/link back to this bulletin in a bulletin of your own
iii. Comment below showing proof

...& thats it! But that's not all, if you do the above you will also be automatically entered into a raffle for a Legendary Staropod!


What are Staropods?

Staropods are a breed of aliens taking on the shape of theropodia dinosaurs. Their bodies are made of a slimy substance that is close to non-Newtonian fluid in consistency. This allows Staropods to be able to live almost anywhere in the galaxy! Gas giants, warm stars, frozen wastelands - you'd probably be able to find these guys! They mainly eat softer foods; fruits and vegetation that grow on their home planets, though some are carnivorous and swallow prey or rip them apart. Others that live in the span of space tend to eat stars and debris that come from larger planets.

What do they look like?

You can find a full visual guide here. PLEASE NOTE MINI & JUMBO STAROPODS ARE RARE!
They almost always have some bits of slime dripping off of them and their goo usually dissipates when it fully leaves the body and hits the ground. When threatened they can harden the membrane that keeps their body together for short periods of time, allowing them to fight more efficiently or knock blows away as they run. The orb, usually found on the neck or the base of the tail allows staropods to keep their goo together. Take this orb away, and their bodies begin to fall apart and they tend to lose their minds. If returned quickly, the staropod usually returns to normal. If it isn't returned, the damage could be deadly. In some rare cases, some staropods with long lost orbs create new ones after years of collecting material!

A line of feathers run up their back and end at the head. Some staropods have these feathers on their elbows, feet, and tail, though it changes for each. Some, though uncommon can even have their backs covered in feathers!

What gender can I make my Staropod?

Staropods can be any gender!

How are Staropods born?

Any staropod can help create a youngling. Younglings are a mixture of two or more staropods orbs, their slime, plus the addition of a special type of star debris that's rare in the galaxy. This means that staropods birth rates are rather low; and though taking bits of their orb to make a youngling is extremely taxing on staropods, the wait is worth it. The standard time for an orb to become a staropod is around three to five earth years ( the time for an orb to heal is anywhere from a few months to a few years, though they're usually healed by the time the youngling is born ) . Mini staropods and giant staropods are rare, as the time it took to "incubate" them was either prolonged or shortened by unforeseen circumstances. 

How long do they live?

Staropods mature at around 60 earth years, and can live upwards of billions of years. Their goo and whatever is inside of them constantly go through cycles like stars. Their bodies are made of a liquid h2 compound and the drips are helium that's been burned off in their centers. Even though these creatures are upwards of 8 feet tall, they are extremely light because of what their bodies are comprised of. The older they are, the heavier they get, and the more their colors shift. Like stars, staropods that are blue or white tend to be hotter than those that are red or orange.

What traits do they have?

You can find all the traits HERE.


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