About ArtFight

Posted 9 months, 29 days ago by LUC1G07CH1

I have something to say about ArtFight after the owner of the website got exposed. 

So I'll still participate in the event, I still want to break my last record (even through that doesn't mean a lot of revenges made for me, but eh, that happens). Such a shame that this would probably be the last ArtFight, mostly because I'll buy a drawing tablet next year (I draw using a mouse).

But I still think the treatment of the owner towards her staff is completely unacceptable. If the event even happens next year, I'll not participate anymore as a form of protest.


Wait what happened??

This sounds serious jeez...

The current owner of ArtFight got exposed for hoarding the money from donations instead of using the money to make the website better. Her staff also overworks...for free. Even the developer of the entire site.

This is the source: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQdcVOO4rI87zdelRJtbn8oIl8ytEQMXyDQfWA5y0olKMc3tfldN4L6K7ACmRqKSuU5VAfnJLxcHOsh/pub

god damn jesus...