activity update

Posted 10 months, 18 days ago by honeyfinnz

hi i forgot to update but monday thru thursday this week i’m at / have been at band camp from 8 am to 6 pm 👍 and i get home like. 7 pm. have to shower and eat dinner and everything and then go to bed early cuz i have to get up at like 6 am. just an update on why i have very little time to get online 💔.so YEAH lol ill be active on friday if im not dead by then /j

also next week tuesday-thursday i have afternoon practices so same thing, but in the mornings i can at least be online !

further band camp updates for anyone who cares: the adults in charge this year said they were going to make it a little easier this year to keep the freshmen around cuz last year a lot of them didn’t come back after a few days or when the school year actually started lol. however!! it got like ten times harder for me personally cuz percussion never usually has to do like half the active and exercise stuff the rest of the band does since we haven’t marched in two years and we aren’t this year, but apparently this year we “have to participate” [even if that means doing breathing exercises that are wastes of time lmao]. but basically i was prepared to do like… a few laps in the morning and that would suck cuz our field that we do laps around is huge but it was FINE. but now we also get EXTRA laps and conditioning and running up and down the bleachers smh

in conclusion: my non athletic self is dying!! everything hurts all the time!! 💔💔


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