Seeking Tropicalsteppe / Sorochiey !

Posted 10 months, 23 days ago by Carnivox

Been falling in love with all of TopicalSteppe’s designs over the past few months, looking to get some!
Also always seeking Sorochiey designs !!
I’m quite picky, but I’ll look at any designs!

Offering characters from my trade / sale folder. (Not the mantibabs tho!!)

Comments / wondering how much would these 2 be for USD?

Hello hello! I’d like to get around 80 for each of em, but i could do a deal if you want both!
(They go together, along with August’s Tiger if you’re interested)

How much would it be in total for the price?

I could do 140 for the two of them, if that’s within your range?
I’d also be happy to add the tiger on for another 20-30, I’d love to see them stay with August 

What about 120-130? For all 3 if possible but just incase give me what was the original price for all 3 then add it up and I’ll see if I can pay it

I’d like to get 160 for the three of them, but I think the lowest I can go is 150!

2 Replies