Discount character for sell again!

Posted 9 months, 10 days ago by WereGuy

I really want to get rid of the characters in my TH so yeah I'm going to low the price again, I just want them to go soon. Please consider buy them!

Or you can offer a lower price than the listed price, we will consider that. But I hope to sell at the right price.

Money only. Arts is add-on only (or characters with "take arts" in their name)!

Dont take characters trade

Those characters are here, I have 3 folders can sell!!

I'm a bit late to reply because I'm busy with personal work. But don't hesitate to discuss with me. There are too many characters and I just want to sell them soon so I will accept the discount. Except for the characters in "Super Tent", I prefer to sell them at the price I write, because I still like them very very much.


Yep I can c: I will hold them for you

tysm, i'll note you friday or thursday evening :) Is there a bare minimum for them? I especially love them

I'm not sure, i can $5 off each one if you're fine with that

Is that okay with you? Also, the $75 character have other ask to buy, but since you came first, I wanted to know if you're still interested!

I can't but they can totally have them!

It's fine! So for the $55 character, do you still want?

no i can't afford them anymore, i hope i can get them soon!!

Thank you, if you want me to hold, I can hold it for you. If not, that's okay!

1 Replies