TOS [2023 edition]

Posted 10 months, 10 days ago by maileksa_shop

TOS [2023]
By buying from me, I automatically consider that you had read and accepted those rules.
If you didn't read those beforehand and bought anyway, it's on you.

Terms of Services (TOS) related to my Commissions

  • Do not remove, cover, erase, draw over my trademark/signature from my art Aka do not hide my signature
  • I expect to be properly credited wherever you repost my art (Maileksa on TH or DA or FA) !
  • No commercial use : you and I, are the only ones who can use my art ! Ex. You can't made prints, stickers, shirts and sell those [Personal use is alright].
  • You can add your "watermark" to protect your comm., but do not alter my work (redraw, trace, change detail, draw over it, etc)
  • I keep the rights to post my work on any Social Medias I'm on, as examples, but not limited to : DA, Insta and FA
  • I'm also keeping the right to use the art as an example in my future ads.
  • Yes, you can color the sketch or the lineart you bought from me.
  • NO REFUND once the sketch is approved
  • Paid via PAYPAL or sending the pts, UPFRONT and withing 24hr after I've sent the invoice, I won't start on this until it's paid

Terms of Services (TOS) related to my ADOPTS / DESIGNS

  • You're free to give them the name, story, background, role, sexuality, gender, any detail you want, it's yours.
  • You may change their gender.
  • You may change their species to fit your liking.
  • You may turn them into a humanoid / anthro / feral.
  • You may "sexualized" them (Aka drawing or commissioning nsfw art) as you wish, I don't mind.
  • You can post it anywhere you want, but credit me with my Deviantart or TH ! (Maileksa-Shop on DA)
  • You can modify the OC in future art pieces, but I won't modify this one for you : what you see is what you get.
  • You cannot modify this OC by drawing over or "photoshop-ing" the original file/s. In other words, do not alter my art. 
  • Applying your watermark over it to protect your OCs from art thief is alright and even recommanded.
  • In case of pony adopts, you're more than welcome to add the cutiemark of your choice in future arts and references.
  • You can re-sell, trade or give this OC. If it's real money, do not resell for more than what you paid, except if you added art pieces that would add $$ value to the initial Design. 
  • NO REFUND (every proofs are safely registered on my computer in case a paypal dispute would be open by the buyer)
  • NO COMMERCIAL USE (if you wish to get a commercial right over this oc, we'll need to discuss additional fees beforehand)
  • Once sold, I'm not responsible for the Adopt's protection (art thief, NFTs, etc), please make sure to protect your new baby (Watermark, TH permissions, etc)

Here few rules about my BASES [F2U / P2U]

  • You can
    - Create Adopts for sell / trade / give : any kind of currency and amount is up to you
    - YCH / commission is alright too : Paid or not
    - Always leave my signature on it (you can move it)
    - Always credit me for the base : on Kofi [Maileksa on kofi] or here on TH
    - Art made out of my bases can be use on any site / forum as long as I'm still credited
    - You are welcome to modify the lines as you want
  • You can't
    - Remove my signature, moving it is alright
    - Sell or redistribute the lineart for any purpose, here or anywhere else
    - Share it with anyone else, only the person who buys it is allowed to use it.
    - Taking credits for the lineart

Lastly, important note
- I don't take any kind of TRADE for them, no OCs nor art. Those are up for the price listed. 
- No haggle either : once again, they are up for the price listed

Last update : July 29th, 2023 
Changes : none that is lifechanging - Only rewritten a couple of them for a clearer, more professional, formulation. 
+ Added the no trade, no haggle note


You said to not change anything about the bases- however, I was wondering if it’d be ok to add stuff like accessories for example?

Here few rules about my BASES [F2U / P2U]

  • You can
    - Create Adopts for sell / trade / give : any kind of currency and amount is up to you
    - YCH / commission is alright too : Paid or not
    - Always leave my signature on it (you can move it)
    - Always credit me for the base : on Kofi [Maileksa on kofi] or here on TH
    - Art made out of my bases can be use on any site / forum as long as I'm still credited
    - You are welcome to modify the lines as you want
  • You can't
    - Remove my signature, moving it is alright
    - Sell or redistribute the lineart for any purpose, here or anywhere else
    - Share it with anyone else, only the person who buys it is allowed to use it.
    - Taking credits for the lineart

    There's nothing about not changing anything about my bases ? you are more than welcome to change them as you see fit ^^

Thanks :]