oc qs for new oc discussion thread

Posted 3 years, 10 months ago by lophiusdragon

i dont want to lose any of the questions since i have a lot

the thread will be of how ocs would use social media and there will be qs for different sites


-what kinds of characters do they have?

-what are their fave characters they have?

-what types of characters do they buy or favorite?

deviantart/insert art site name here:

-what do they post to da/etc?

-what kind of artist are they?

-do they sell commissions? If yes, what kinds of commissions do they sell?

-what other art sites are they on and why?

-do they use artstation? what do they advertise on there? (idk much about it sorry)

discord (ie a server owned by your oc):

-what is their server about?

-what interesting rules does the server have that are different from most discord servers in the real world? (this is meant to be a fun question, are there any strange rules like no discussing eldritch artifacts of arcane knowledge in a world where those are an issue/common plot point?)

-what kinds of channels are in the server?

-what kinds of emotes does the server have?

-what kinds of interesting roles are there in the server?

-which of your other ocs would be mods in the server?

-many servers have an introductions channel where u introduce yourself. What would your oc write in their introduction post?


-what do they tweet about?

-who do they follow? who follows them?

-what kinds of interactions do they have with other users?

-are there any trending hashtags associated with them in their universe? What are they and what are the stories behind these hashtags?

-if your oc owns a company with a social media presence, what does their company's twitter post about?  Do they use strange memes to gain followers or attention?  Do people uninterested in the product follow them, if yes then why?


-what kinds of videos do they upload? make this section as long or as short as you want

-is there one video or a few of theirs in particular that went viral for some reason (good or bad)?  What's the story around this particular video?

-do they collab with any of your other ocs? What are the different collab videos about?


-what do they stream about?

-if they stream games, what games do they stream?  

-What memorable moments happened during the streams?

-if there is a nature cam of some sort, what kinds of wildlife can be seen?  Are there any interesting moments that happened?  If there are creatures not found irl on earth, what sorts of interesting behaviors/creatures/etc have been seen?

-do they collab with any of your other ocs? What interesting things happened during these collab streams?


-do they have their own subreddit for a product they sell or a youtube channel they have or a game they made or etc?  What is this product/service/etc they have the subreddit for?

-do they participate in a subreddit dealing with events/annoyances/etc that would not occur in the real world? (here are some examples: subreddits for... poorly disguised mimics, magic fails, weird looking monsters, world domination fails, funny dragons, funny familiars)  What sorts of funny/interesting posts have been submitted to this subreddit?

-has your oc ever wound up on a subreddit (ex r/iamverysmart) for something they posted? What happened?

-did ur oc ever do AMA (ask me anything)? What was their AMA about?  What were some interesting questions they received and what did they reply?

-did ur oc ever post any questions to r/askreddit?  What was the question and what sorts of interesting replies did they get?

-did ur oc ever make a throwaway account to post something?  What did they post?


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