Art Fight Fin!

Posted 10 months, 13 days ago by Sarelm

I've submitted my last attack for art fight, and despite all the complications and burnout near the end, I'm sure glad I joined. I did 25 attacks and earned more than 1000 points! I also got 12 defenses and learned a thing or two.

I'm plenty good at drawing creatures and dragons and should do it more.

In fact, most of the time drawing creatures is several times faster for me than people.

Found a new brush I think I like.

Burnout is very real and I need to plan out rests next time.

People like Tion way more than I thought. He got 6 attacks! Kliv was next up with 3, Nath with 2 and Troy with 1.

Seeing as it might be run different next year, I'm keeping my eye on it and will definitely be aiming to do even better!


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