Posted 10 months, 23 days ago by PK_Skeletons

Good morning! This is just going to be me ranting and complaining like a child so I don't think you should read this lmao.

Artfight is over. Well, basically over. I really don't think I'm going to be getting another defense in just under 4 hours. Anyway, I'm a tad bit upset that almost half of my defenses were of a character I don't care too much about, but that's my fault. I won't have that happen next year. Am I still salty? Of course, I almost always am. But oh well.

I'm also a bit mad at my ratio. 41 attacks, 19 defenses (9 of which was of the character I didn't care for too much,) and a high ratio of 68.33%. I tried to get my characters out there on the discord server but they were always get ignored or overlooked. Are they boring characters? Is my style bad? Why does everyone want to go for the people who are already getting several attacks a day? Life isn't fair, really. Artfight is really just one big popularity contest when you boil it down.

Even with Artfight over, I still can't get to drawing stuff for myself. My boyfriend wants me to draw him several things for him and frankly, I don't really want to and I don't know how to convey I don't without him getting upset at me. I'll torture myself for a bit longer and force out some drawings for him. Then I can finally draw something for myself, that is if I'm not exhausted to the point where I feel bitter when drawing.

Enough of my bitching, I hope you all (The one of you who is subscribed, hello!!) are having a good day. Take it easy. I'll probably be submitting my first character today, I just have to finish editing the code!

Bye bye!


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