raffle winners + next raffle

Posted 10 months, 12 days ago by cirsiumthistle

next raffle?

7 Votes character raffle (anthro)
0 Votes character raffle (feral)
4 Votes character raffle (pony)
7 Votes art/custom raffle

raffle winners are numbers 707 (JibbleNyumSammich) and 431 (Megumi_Anaburi)!

raffle winners may either respond to the bulletin or message me about what prize they would like and the details of it,

-for a shaded fullbody (anthro/humanoid/feral) please include what character you'd like drawn, preferred pose and background color

-for a pixel fullbody with simple animation (feral) please include what character you'd like drawn, what simple animation, preferred pose, and background color (also include the hex codes for the character colors if possible)

- for a custom (anthro/humanoid/feral) please go here and put raffle winner as the payment option

and poll for the next raffle! let me know if there's certain themes or species or anything you'd like to see!!


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