More are coming god DAMN IT!

Posted 4 years, 11 days ago by Lucia Damites CentaurWorks

Out of all the species, which do you like more?

1 Votes Human
4 Votes Merpeople
1 Votes Centaur
0 Votes Naga/Lamia
0 Votes Fairy
1 Votes Doggirl/Catgirl
1 Votes Genie
0 Votes Robot

Ello, I hope you're havin a goood day today!

I here because apparently the person keeping track of us found some people that... are not added yet. Some dups as well- ...I cahn hear him screaming in the background owo;

So, more characters will be coming sooon, with some are needing new stoories. I hope some are interestin though =3=

So I hope you loook forward to that! :)

Oh, if you want to hear what I sound like, here's a link:


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