Posted 10 months, 2 days ago by amiwaffletoday

Clearing out TH since I don't use it as much anymore! Plz offer on some as well if you're interested!

Free charas below:
- Just give them a name and a backstory ^^


Hi! Not sure if this is still open, very sorry if it isn't ahh Gonna give 凯斌 a shot! Adore the design

They give me this sort of emotional stoicism feel? I think they'd be an informant of some kind, not very well known yet holds a lot of intelligence. They work diligently and is generally well-liked by peers, yet maintain a distance from them that doesn't cross over into personal life. While their line of work requires them to put a distance between personal matters and work, they may have trouble retaining from acting based on emotional impulsivity. Otherwise, they have a rather fierce/intense type of vibe, which makes them somewhat offputting to those who don't know them well. I'd name themm 敏方 / Min-Fang, I def don't mind the original name either though!

Ooooo that sounds very interesting! Like the cool boss esque vibe!! Id love to see what you do with MinFang ^^! Sent them ovr!

Aaahhh tysm!! <333

Omg!! Here's my ideas for tbn: I'd name them Ari and they're an after-school detective who takes photos of the crimescene.. crimscene being leftover trash on the lunch tables or catching someone steal a pencil at the book fair. They have a bunch of photos depicting the crime, yet for some reason when these photos get printed, it's always out of focus or the subject matter isn't captured at all! Ari gets dejected, but not for long since there's so much crime on school grounds that they must bring it all to justice! 

And I'd also like to take a crack at Misa Misa!: I would rename them Neru and they are a sleep demon who puts others to sleep when they're around. Neru is surprisingly outgoing and loves other people's presence, but it always bums them out whenever their company goes to sleep. It gets to the point where Neru doesn't even try to hang out with anyone anymore because of their assigned power. This causes them to get lonely very quickly. With no one to talk to, who would entertain them? Neru realizes that if they close their third eye and even sometimes their two eyeballs, that the sleep effect is greatly reduced. Even though Neru's sight and general senses are gone, at least they can find a way to prolong their time with their friends.

Om they're so cuteee :"DD! Ari sounds p cool n Neru too ^^! Ill send ovr both!

Thank you so much :D♡♡♡