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Submission bulletin for "King's Relevation" Event

This is the submission area for Corvidaeum August 2023 event "King's Relevation" , please follow the form below and submit in the comments! Submission should include page links to the 5 snippets along with a verdict of your own containing your thoughts/theories/ideas on what happened according to the information given. Please also spoiler your comment [the code is provided for convenience, it is to ensure that no one get accidentally spoiled]

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Submission Form:

  • ✦ Link to snippet 1:
  • ✦ Link to snippet 2:
  • ✦ Link to snippet 3:
  • ✦ Link to snippet 4:
  • ✦ Link to snippet 5:
  • ✦ Your verdict:


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✦ Link to snippet 1:

✦ Link to snippet 2:

✦ Link to snippet 3:

✦ Link to snippet 4:

✦ Link to snippet 5: Raubvogel "Geist" Noches on Toyhouse
✦ Your verdict:
First of all, King Lycium 1 is the brother of Queen Atropa of the Corvidaeum, and Queen Atropa befriended Queen Marie from Columbidaeum. According to the snippet in shop, Lycium planned for a coup, and apparently it succeeded. This results in Queen Marie retorted to war with the new crowned Lycium. Raubvogel, who's dreamed to work in Queen Atropa's council until her disappearance, work under King Lycium's council instead. It should be noted that Raubvogel are also befriends Agatha Coloeus. As the war continue, Agatha betrayed the king, hence why Lycium announced witch hunt of the Jackdaw families. Raubvogel carried his order and execute Agatha, but getting cursed from it. Then he went missing in a war in Columbidaeum territory but few weeks after the victory he's back again in the castle and ever since then there's a strange voice in his room along with a trace of white feathers sometimes according to the servants. Yet Raubvogel seems to avoid such questions.

What I want to note that, however, is the fact that Corvidaeum are refers to corvid family bird latin names, Columbidaeum refers to pigeons and dove family latin names, and Coloeus refers to jackdaw family latin names. I believe the white feathers mentioned in Raubvogel's room refer to either doves or pigeons, that would answer someone from Columbidaeum probably help him when he was disappeared in the battlefield and followed him with no one knows but Raubvogel himself. Agatha probably betrayed the kingdom after knowing Queen Atropa were overthrown by their current king unjustly. Did Raubvogel wanted to also betray his kingfom for the truth? Or he just wanted to help freed Queen Atropa to her rightful place? What happens with Lycium after the war, does he afraid if his sister will come back and thus using propaganda to keep his image good? It's weird how most of these snippets all are instead linked to Raubvogel even though he's just a general. We didn't even know where Queen Atropa is, is she jailed. or run away from her brother's bertrayal?

EDIT: Okay now I know the queen ends up die in dungeon lmao. But who find her first? Is she a dove? The king definitely wanted to have good image after the news of her death spread out.

Sorry if this is so long, my head spinning from the missing piece lmao

Hello!!! I enjoyed reading your submission , but heads up (the fifth link you inserted is not one of the snippets!) . feel free to search and edit as you see fit ^^

woops, thank you for the heads up! I've already edited it now ^^

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Ok, lots of thoughts. One of the most straightforward things to note is that King Lycium seemingly betrayed his sister, Queen Atropa, so that he could take the throne. She must have been framed for something heinous for her to have ended up in the dungeon of her own castle, and she was probably assassinated for good measure. There’s a lot more to unpack here, though.

The war with Columbidaeum began after that. Was that because Queen Marie had been friends with Atropa and (justly) wished to avenge her? That’s the likely answer, although given Lycium’s violent response, maybe he wanted war against them all along and that’s why he stole the throne in the first place?

Also, the fact that the “traitor” Agatha Coloeus was friends with Raubvogel is super interesting. Presumably the dove she refers to in her letter is Atropa (based on the title on the newspaper article about Atropa’s death) and the talk of gossip makes me wonder if Raubvogel had feelings for the Queen? Or if they were involved in some way? (Or maybe it was Agatha and Raubvogel that were involved; she does sign her letter, “with love.”) 

And about Agatha: if Atropa was unjustly imprisoned by her brother, especially if she was framed for something, who’s to say Agatha wasn’t unjustly accused of betraying the kingdom? She’s gone down in history as a villain but maybe she was something more like a scapegoat.

I have. So many questions.

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  • ✦ Link to snippet 1: One
  • ✦ Link to snippet 2: Two
  • ✦ Link to snippet 3: Three
  • ✦ Link to snippet 4: Four
  • ✦ Link to snippet 5: Five

  • ✦ Your verdict: personally, after reading much about the lore of this world and the snippets, I feel like I have a pretty good thought of what happened. I believe that her brother, Lycium, didn’t appreciate the fact that Queen Atropa was visiting (seems like without permission from others?? Might have misread lol) Queen Marie. Lycium definitely didn’t appreciate how close she was with the other kingdom, since he obviously didn’t like the kingdom if he started a war with them that lasted years and even made propaganda posters in snippet 4, to the point that he had to do something about it. When I saw that the servants were talking about “His highness would never” (probably after the events when speculation was high since they talk about *his* highness and not about Queen Atropa) all I could think was Lycium’s fault for her being dead, especially since it was down in a dungeon in her own kingdom increasing the odds that it was someone in her own kingdom than a random person.    Also reading about Agatha, I don’t think she was as bad as a person as people wanted to think she was. True she had voodoo magic and maybe(??)betrayed the kingdom, but all she wanted to do it seems was to just get her family name to greatness and she wanted to work with his highness. She even stated that she was willing to lay down her life for the kingdom. So thinking about it, I don’t think that she purposely betrayed the kingdom if she did at all, since that wasn’t in a snippet and was in Raubvogel’s Character profile so it’s all up to speculation if thats true. 
But jeez this story is so in depth that I literally need more (but ofc no rush I'm just really into this lol)

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Snippet 1

Snippet 2

Snippet 3

Snippet 4

Snippet 5


The King desired to be the only ones under the loving gaze of the propeginitor god.  Thus, when his sister conspired with the doves for unification, to share in the gifts that they dare not deserve, a shoddy plot was put into motion in order to try and convince her otherwise.  It resulted in the death of the queen, which he could place the blame on the doves for such a plight.  This led to an easy war, one that was extended by the desperate friend of the late queen.  Branding her a heretic, she was hunted for her imagined crimes against the system.

A little thing from the jay, if you might be interested as well:

The jay placed down a tome, thick with dust and misuse.  He gingerly held a candle by the delicate stem of its holder before he announced with soft voice, "Jealousy is a nasty thing, but so are family politics.  I believe you may know that much."

"His sister was quite close to the dove family-- particularly the lady here-- and," he brushed the cover of the tome lovingly, "may have sought to marry into the family from this quaint note here, as you can see.  Such does not bode well for a pure bloodline.  If you wish for rumour and speculation, and you seem the type, then we can contest that it was an attempt at unification when one would prefer whole domination.  It appears much like bad blood between ideologies."

Of course, he shrugged.  "But do not take the words of a commoner to heart.  I scarcely even know my own family."

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