
Posted 4 years, 3 months ago by nicopiyo

Hi!!!! How are you all??? I hope everyone is doing well!
I'm trying to figure out which platform to use for adoptables (and maybe even commission slots every now and then) now that deviantart went to absolute shit...............(maybe it's a stupid idea, maybe i should just stick with dA, but it just........it just doesn't sit right with me?? it annoys me just to look at it KNXHGVj i hate that they give a shit about the dA members)
i don't trust instagram with adopts and i don't really wanna post them on twitter, so I want to give toyhouse a chance :D
I literally have no idea how th works but i guess i just have to figure it out somehow, i don't even know what the correct usage of the bulletin is.........is this like the status thing from dA? Or more like the journal thing? 💦
But yeah, you can expect some more updates from me here o(-(


OO I THINK THIS IS A GREAT IDEA!! plus u can go ahead n make an easy to transfer page for the adopt! \ouo/
ive seen ppl sell adopts well on twitter and i think youd do fine there too but toyhouse is def a great option too!! 

also bIG MOOD @ da's whole...thing... its extremely irritating to just look at and even worse to navigate imo dkljdjkl

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I think that you should be able to do pretty well selling designs here! You're a well-known and well-liked artist already, so accruing an active customer base over here shouldn't be as much of a challenge, and having the ability to upload the characters YOURSELF and then transfer ownership to their adopter will allow you to make sure that the trade permissions and artist/creator credits are all in the right places before they leave your hands! Sometimes it can be a pain when you sell a design and see that whoever uploaded it accidentally or erroneously listed themselves as the Creator, or if the buyer uploads a resellable design as trade-only and has to come to you later for permission updates so that they can resell it.

Like others have said already, making a thread in the Design Marketplace is a good idea, as well as making Bulletins to update followers on newly available adopts. You can also add 'Trade Listings' to individual profiles for adoptable designs when you upload them, and they'll be listed in TH's design marketplace search! [That last option isn't SUPER necessary, just because I don't know a lot of people who search the trade listings that way, but I check them myself from time to time and I HAVE seen adopts sell that way before. Every bit of advertising helps y'know?]

i would say bulletins are like a mix of journal and updates !!! : D
i think toyhou.se is okay for adopts! if you want a code to make a side account for adopts i can give you one if you want! but like kish said the best place for new eyes would be https://toyhou.se/~forums/13.adoption-center !! is specifically for adopts!
sometimes ppl post adopts on this site here https://ych.commishes.com/ if you're interested in doing an auction type thing or even just doing ychs (i think its a neat website that not a lot of ppl know about so i figured i would share!)
anyways jsdfjasdjfasdf excited to see you on toyhou.se!!! >W< 

aaaa tysm for the info :OOO that was really helpful!

Just FYI, the Adoption center is for re-selling adopts, new designs should go on the Design marketplace c:

Honestly I think twitter would be the best place for your stuff but it’s up to you ?? Really excited to see new adopts!!

I treat twitter more..hmmmm..serious? I only post bigger drawings there, and i feel like many people don't understand the adoptable concept ;; But I kinda wish it would be as easy as on twitter to reach people here with posts orz;;

Yeah I get what you mean... the adopt community on Twitter is pretty big tho! Many ppl moved there because there’s less very young people trying to buy stuff

Excited to see more of you're stuff here! ^^

Mmmm ahh i think bulletin is like a journal (only for your followers) but if you want like "new" people to see your post you could try the forums
