trading all secondary cb dainties

Posted 10 months, 12 days ago by oleaspur

not using anyone here so :shrug: .. only one im rly tent with is ex as they have a pending redesign, zenith and fei im picky with due to worth


mainly lf:

  • succubun stuff - primarily carats, out of season drinks, imps + mochi. myo slots too 
  • resale on any with usd in the name
  • one-offs
  • cb dainty swaps (tent/picky), slots ok too
  • POSSIBLY art for silkie, wake, and sirene

i think thats all.  dms ok if u prefer that :] 

if youre waiting on a reply from me for something else feel free to give me a bump !! im.. trying to get on top of messages etc but i get a lot sorry.


Hi! Id love to offer art and or one offs for any of these: 

(Not all/multiples ofc) 

One offs can be found here: (only hard offlims is gallan)

Art examples here:

(so sorry for the late reply!!) you have some rly cute ocs but none i think id trade for rn!! i can consider art though -- ill try and let you know asap :] anyone here for wake? i could passibly add on art if you'd like! or offer art by itself too if you prefer

sorry for the late reply -- i couldnt see anyone im afraid!! i can consider art alone, though theres a trade offer im also considering atm ^__^

alright it's no problem! and yeah i could do art alone! just let me know what you decide :D

cani buy the frog???? :D ! (the nicooo)

or could do for the frog or silkie ^^ (maybe usd addon?)

if youre able to do upfront payment i can for sure do that :] i would also be more than happy to trade silkie for the qxtten oc if u were interested!

yes i can upfront!! through paypal? as for silkie give me a moment to think!!! 

yep, paypal would be great!! mine is [email protected] ^__^b and okok, take your time!! i could maybe add on for the silkie trade too depending on if i have anything that would interest you :]

for sure!!! i just sent it! my dainty site username is trickstercirava, and what do u think ud be willing to do for the qxtten :0

should be sent !! and i can add on art / characters here (except those pending / evermore (who is also pending)) ? im not sure if i have anything else youd be interested in atm unfortunately !!

14 Replies

Hi Ole! Sent you a message on Discord about getting the CB frog dainty instead of the other character I have on hold! 

Hi! I really like ! I only have one CB dainty (here) and some one offs you might like!

you have some gorgeous ocs but none id trade fei for, sorry!