Etheralis - Wizard Magic Types

Posted 9 months, 25 days ago by Yukiiruuu

Wizard Magic Types

Elemental Magic

  • Pyro
    Wizards specializing in fire magic can control flames, generate heat, and create explosive bursts. They might conjure fireballs, create walls of flames, or even manipulate existing fires.
  • Aqua
    Water wizards have command over water in its various forms. They can create and manipulate water bodies, create ice constructs, and even control the weather by manipulating clouds and rain.
  • Terra
    Earth wizards can control rocks, soil, and minerals. They might shape the earth to create barriers or launch projectiles, control earthquakes, and manipulate plant life.
  • Aero
    Air wizards control the wind and atmosphere. They can generate gusts of wind, create tornadoes, or even control the air's composition to manipulate gases and create pressure-based effects.
  • Electro
    Wizards with this affinity can manipulate electricity and lightning. They might cast bolts of lightning, create static fields, or control electronic devices.
  • Cryo
    Different from water magic, ice wizards specialize in freezing and manipulating moisture. They can create blizzards, form ice barriers, and even freeze opponents in place.

Pillar Magic

  • Space
    Space wizards have control over spatial dimensions. They can create portals, distort space to trap enemies, or even fold space to shorten distances.
  • Death
    Wizards with mastery over death can control the forces of decay, raise the dead, and manipulate souls. They might curse opponents or use their abilities for divination.
  • Mind
    Mind wizards can delve into thoughts and emotions, control minds, and even create powerful illusions. They might influence decisions, read memories, or even connect minds.
  • Cosmic
    Cosmic magic involves manipulating celestial energies and cosmic forces that govern the universe. Wizards of cosmic magic can tap into the energy of stars, planets, and galaxies to unleash powerful effects.
  • Holy
    Holy magic draws its power from divine sources and is associated with purity, healing, and protection. Wizards of holy magic are often seen as guardians and healers, using their abilities to fight against darkness and bring about positive change.


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