Posted 10 months, 1 day ago by pikoki

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when i say it was so hard to judge this i REALLY MEAN IT

oh my goodness there were so many AMAZING entries! i literally cannot believe how many pretty entries there were!

i had to group each artist with their entries and i made sure to go into the comments, image descriptions, and pm inbox to make sure i didnt miss anything kdjslfjdsl

but anyways, WHOA guys thank you all so much!

so many people had such articulately beautiful entries aagh im honestly just in shock what

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like i said, this was really hard to judge so i really apologize if you didn't win anything! i assure you i ADORED your entry! i made sure not to judge based off of art style so please don't assume that was the reason ^^'

on to the winners now! 3rd and 2nd place get little art prizes :)

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3rd: Cringey_Skies!

WHAT let me just say that your scenes are BEAUTIFUL i couldn't even if i tried SOB,, and you spent so much time on all of your entries! i can tell you were very invested in this character and that you put a lot of time and effort into actualizing the scenes that you wanted to create! i seems like you have a great artistic vision so please keep it up! :D

prizes (unshaded only): 2 icons OR 1 bust 

comment with your prize selection and characters to claim! i'll try to finish before the end of summer ^^

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2nd: Steviedeeb!

i really enjoyed the backstory you created for this character! we love a good traumatic angst haha ;; your animation is also incredibly smooth so props to you! thank you for your AMAZING entries! you were also really speedy with your first two entries lol (not that matters but yooo) 

prizes (unshaded only): 3 icons OR 2 icons and 1 bust OR 1 full

comment with your prize selection and characters to claim! i'll try to finish before the end of summer ^^

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1st: Kibblepaw

GOODNESS wow, i am in love with your animating its SO SMOOTH and bouncy and amazing and ugh bro <3 and your backstory! i thought it was pretty unique and i like relationship dynamic between conan and eli! it's very cute aaah- and the fact that you made three separate animations for this character - dang youre really speedy.

congrats on winning this character! it's currently pending to you if you haven't accepted it already ^^

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thanks everyone for participating! i'm probably not gonna do another dta for a while bc im lazy lol but for all of you who don't have points, i'll likely end up doing another raffle for my next milestone whenever that is so keep an eye out for that! no pings tho bc im probably gonna forget 😳

anyways bye! check out my adopt if you want ^D^

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Cringey_Skies hi, if you're active, you have some prizes to claim! 

i dont mean to be pressuring (and i'm not mad, just giving a nudge) but if you dont reply within 2 weeks i'm not going to draw anything -- my school is starting soon and i really would like to get this done by then ^^'

thanks! :)

So sorry for the late response!! I’ve been super busy :skull: I’d like to claim 2 icons!! Could you do icons of https://toyhou.se/20683690.eddie and https://toyhou.se/21013961.atlantas or if your willing to do people I’d love and icon of https://toyhou.se/23259240.aksjdnd and https://toyhou.se/23259237.djsjnsns

that’s alright! and got it, i’ll start asap ^^

Yes, we love that traumatic angst, thanks for the compliements. I really appreciate them. :] Yay! I still get a prize?? If it isn't too much trouble, can you do 2 icons and a bust? If so, can you do https://toyhou.se/14848994.vi for the first icon, and https://toyhou.se/20185294.raineforest for the bust? And for the last icon, him? https://toyhou.se/21591977.tower#65167516

also, I hope you don't mind me reusing the actual story because I worked really hard and would like to keep it :]

alright, got it! i’ll get started asap!

and of course! it was a really cool backstory and it would be a shame to go to waste ^D^

Thanks! :]

AHHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! It was so much fun to enter!!!! Also, thank you for everything you said! I really appreciate it!!

of course, i'm glad! take good care of him for me :)

I definitely will :DDD