jasper (cannedcanine)

Posted 10 months, 21 hours ago by radsharks

ok lets start with this you called it drama its not drama its literal proof of you being a crappy person jasper. your therapist was supportive of you doxxing someone that’s actually insane. the fact that you used your mental illnesses and disability as an excuse for you doxxing and the way you acted at age 17 is insane. you can blame it on other people all you want but the hard truth is that you were in the wrong and you are constantly looking for some way shape or form to justify what you did. im sorry when i was using runo i was talking about your username in the past and referring to you in a past sense for that i am sorry i had no idea it would make you uncomfortable. and yes you did deadname me you used my biological name on call with wolfy when ive always went by alexander (alex) that was not a mistake you were purposely trying to hurt me which is really shitty coming from someone who is also transgender. the fact that you blamed it on a toxic friend group is insane? you doxxed me to keep a friend group together is complete bs. none of us have the same toxic friend group mentality i did not do this to start drama I WANTED TO CREATE AWARENESS because you’ve gotten away with this shit for years now. your reasoning for doxxing let me hear it because at the end of the day i know its complete and utter bullshit. i love how you didn’t address the fact that you sent me and wolfy nsfw when we were all really young. but yeah i think its insane that you use being in the hospital, bpd, sh ect as an excuse for your behavior in the past. you constantly manipulated and tried to make us feel bad for you while you were in the hospital which is honestly really fucking shitty jasper. “this is very low for you guys” what exposing that you are a doxxer and a literal groomer. we aren’t coming for you we are literally just telling others to be aware of the shitty behavior you do. and also you can say how you’re sorry and i didn’t deserve it meanwhile telling people in a server that i did deserve it as people came after you is insane. i have bot forgiven you i hope you realize that. we did not part ways i specifically told you that i would never forgive you. and at the end of the day i really think you deserve to feel guilty for what you did :/ and you’re just upset that you are finally getting what you deserve. you said you care about me then proceed to make excuses for the shit you did and then talk about how you dont care about it how my post was sloppy because im trying to start drama. NO IM WARNING PEOPLE TO STAY AWAY FROM YOU AND THE SHIT YOU PIT ME THROUGH. it absolutely drives me insane how you said that knowing the hurt and pain you fucking caused me trying to make it seem like im being dramatic when you literally put me through trauma i trusted you. you were my best friend and literally it hurt me so much and you think im doing this to cause drama to you when you literally made me feel unsafe and i stopped trusting others because of you. now that im healed i want people to stay the fuck away from you and for you to leave me the hell alone. you deserve this and you know it you just don’t want to admit that you were in the wrong.


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