emergency comms (Mine)

Posted 10 months, 9 days ago by Aawwuwu

so like i lent out over 100 quid to my parents for their wedding last week so i have £40 to last me until the 28th and i work n need transport money aswell has literally having no groceries in so like help a guy out please oh my lord £aawwuwu or https://paypal.me/aawwuwu?country.x=GB&locale.x=en_GB if yall wanna donate, id also really greatly appreciate shares, In terms of cheap comms my prices reduced atm are underneath but everything is negotitable like if you have $8 we can work smth out
Custom in my adopt style/chibi: $15 (example)
Full Colour Headshot: $10 (example)
Full Colour Halfbody: $18 (example)
Full Colour Fullbody: $22 (example)
Halfbody ship art: $30 (example)
Ref sheet: $30
this caught me so badly off guard im in shambles


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aww hello !! sure id love to take a comm on if youre happy for turnaround to be a bit slow, just throw ur ideas over in dms or on discord (aawwuwu) and im sure we can work something out :}

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hi omg !! i really appreciate this youre so sweet, id consider this but rn im recovering from covid (curse working in healthcare. shaking my fist) so if youre happy for the turnaround to be a bit slow just @ me in dms or on disc (aawwuwu too) :3 thanks man n hope ur doing well 

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absolutely !! dm on disc dude 😈😈 

Just so you know the link to the full color headshot doesn’t work. Apparently artfight won’t let you link to it? I didn’t try the other links so you might want to check those too. I hope you get lots of buyers!

thanks for letting me know !! i fixed it, mustve been a artfight hotlinking issue. i appreciate it !! <3

Discount Comms pinglist:
TYP3WR1T3R wooferdill Solus5 Taro-Knight Urtaxiss Legal tpol2024
reply here if u wanna be added/removed (i feel bad for pinging yall :skull:) 

Could I be added?

of course !! :}

turnaround will be like a few days to a few weeks ik that isnt like me but i am up to my fuckin teeth w stress atm and need a little longer