Posted 9 months, 28 days ago by eviltown <<< or alternatively >>




if you want them pls:

characrter(s) - link 2 bulletin - why do u want em - what will u use them for - QUICK BIO (name, gender, personaltiy, small backstory) - put a meme picture idk

edit: ik the last bit sounds silly but it's required :) I'm not gonna ignore anyone who didn't include it before but it's too ensure ppl read everything and are taking the time and not rushing for free things

and u can also offer for anyone here!!! >> please!!! i need them gone i have too many!!! maybe even offers for anyone else!!!!! please

even if theres nobody you like please consider sharing it would really help!!

edit: SORRY IF I GET SNAPPY (sometimes sorry sometimes not honestly) THIS GETS TIRING EASILY


I love lizards so much they are so cute <3 and my boy Gus needs a friend
I will use them to be in a some sort of story of mine
name: lizerd
gender: lizerd
personality: sneaky, silent and observing type but is affectionate if someone takes the time to know lizerd and very much enjoys pets. Loves pranking strangers. 
backstory: Was always a bit of a lone wolf, and is somewhat of a legend in the area they lived in, villagers around the area telling stories of a great and awesome lizard that little saw in their lifetime. But Lizerd thinkgs this is boring and wants to do awesome Lizerd things so they explore the world and eventually meet Gus and two love to scare the daylights out of any travelers they find, its a fun pasttime.
This was 5 months ago so im not sure if this is still open or valid or whatever gfghjkhgfdsdghjkhgf idk how memes work but i think its required so have... this???Screenshot_2024-01-19_at_09.png?ex=65c6e

Sorry but this bulletin is no longer active! There is one linked in the folder which is what you're supposed to comment on now


I want these guyys!

Free adopts - Slime!

Name: BubbleBee
Gender: Female (She/Her)

Sexuallity: Bi


Bubblebee is a sweet, charasimatic ball of energy, She;s socially clueless and a hopeless romantic. She recently moved to a new city so she's leaning the ropes

Counting conundrum -adopt

Name: Marvo
Gender: Transmasc (He/They/It + Neos)

Sexuallity: Gay 

About: Marvo is high energy, truly borderline feral. He's REALLY into vampires, and often writes stories. He's a talented writer too. With the help of his boyfriend, Party, he makes his silly stories into comics.

🦄 Kitsunicorn adopt!

Name: Party
Gender: Trans Male (He/Him)

Sexuallity: Omnisexual (Male lean)

About: He's a shy, gentle nerd. He's very introverted and quiet., a people pleaser. He enjoys drawing, baking, gaming, and DnD


Name: Takoyaki
Gender: Nonbinary (They/them)

Sexuallity: Trixic (Nblw)

About: Tako is an aloof lone wolf type. They've been burned in the past so they're scared to trust people. For the few people they allow in their life, they're the resident mom friend.


Name: Cookie dough
Gender: Agender (It/Its)

Sexuallity: AroAce

About: He's rambunctious, kind, and maayyybe a tad nosy. He's very curious and wants to solve anything. He loves puzzles and those fake crime boxes (Ex: Hunt A Killer). He's mute, and usually communicates by writing. 

Slow downnn only one per person man


Can i just do Tako?

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Character: - I love their design, and I’d like to give them a loving home. I plan on using them for a story I’m writing about unusual creatures living in the woods, practicing arcane magic secretly. Their name is Alyak, and they are nonbinary. They are mostly outgoing, and highly defensive of their home and friends. They were born in the woods, but left abandoned by their parents at an early age, for some unknown reason.

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link 2 bulletin-

why do u want em - I absolutely love the design and color palette! It's adorable and I'm really inspired by this character~

what will u use them for - I'd love to make art with this character and include them in stories with some of my other characters~ 

QUICK BIO-  Dazzler is a joy to be around with their outgoing, bright personality. She/they create fireworks to bring joy to all their friends. She has a reputation for being a bit of a wild party animal, but Dazzler cares deeply for everyone around her. The colorful markings on her body can glow, and they glow especially bright whenever she's happy

And a meme~ bf6c50ce59b740e1502bafb8d20d9029.jpg

I'd name em Cloud prolly! They'd be a mascot character for the kids centre at the city my chars lore all revolve around :D Definitely very chill on their own, hanging around the place with some lemonade and a tired face lol. They'd be a young adult character and be super interested in kidcore type aesthetic usually but also enjoy the comfy and lazy side of life, basic white guy aesthetic lmao. I hope you choose me for em, Id love to draw em! Only thing that'd change is maybe the design on their paws and eye colour woooo. They/Them, 22-ish. Id like to make them friends with my oc Beep! ( and have em be best buds

Characters: (1) (2) (3)

 Here’s the bulletin: 

I really like the color schemes and designs for all of them! Such sillies. Might use them as sonas or comforts, but would love to build a story around these guys and a couple more characters!

1: poppy (haha get it because balloon) - they/she - silly guy!!! Loves planning parties for others, also collects character figurines for fun lol. 

2: tenor - he/she/they - kind of a tease and a prankster. Loves playing jokes on people and not thinking of consequences at all. People tend to avoid him due to this but she doesn’t mind that much tbh.

 3: emmers - he/him but is fine with she/her too - a child at heart. Loves drawing, and he draws on his arms quite often as well. Pretty outgoing and friendly but is pretty emotional and sometimes gets worked up over small things. Loves being outdoors as well

Feel free to tell me if I missed something!

(I hope the meme shows up, it doesn’t show in the comment section for me 😭)

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1,3,4 pending transfers already

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This user is not visible to guests. I'd like em because I adore their colour palette! I'd use em in my own story as a main/secondary character!

Quick bio: Name: Lagoon Gender: Male Personality: Quick witted, smart and a brilliant reader, Lagoon's only downfalls are his clumsiness and anxieties around crowds. He's a gentle soul, but prefers to keep to himself and read in the library as opposed to being out in the thick of it. Backstory: Lagoon was found on the Arigasu borders by Ratchet, cold and alone. The ginger Tom swiftly nursed him back to health, where Kestrel's keen eye noticed his knack for organisational skills and his ability to blast through books like nobody's business. (Short n sweet)

Hope this is okay!  // // Their design is so pretty and would work well in one of my stories // art, animation memes, maybe a few mini-comics with the rest of the characters in the story, and possibly a written story // name: uhh IDK yet still deciding   pronouns: she/they   personality: While outwardly seeming cold and mean, she pushes others away due to a deep fear of rejection. When conflict arises, they will always escalate it, causing many to dislike them. Some consider her a bully. (this changes later on, with her becoming a nice person at the end of her character arc) backstory: well uh I can't tell you that because this might become a written story, I'm still working on it tho // um IDK what picture to put but I took my time reading the rules and the form

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all except first pending transfer. and no, not unless you use the form

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Heres bulletin, i just love their designs so much RAUGH i dont have a story planned but i might make a few small changes (possibly making juice blue n purple...) 

Arcadia would prob be renamed to Arcade and Juice id have to to think of! 

mrr-kociak.gif :’D I love lizards- Comfort and cuddles :p

Name: Jungi Gender: he/them Grumpy little guy who will bite Wild little lizard who got stuck in a trap and lost his leg, needed care and I took care of em.

(sorry for commenting on the chr 😭😭)

i ADORE aliens, he'd prolly be used as a comfort chr :3

name: cozmo (coz or cozzy as a nickname) 

gender: ftm

personality: kind of an asshole but very loyal and well meaning

backstory: man crashed on earth after a malfunction in his ship and is tryna figure out how tf to live on earth

I'm afraid you missed a bit (technically 2)

why is th trying to kill me HERES THE BULLETIN

Hii! I know some r freebs but I still wanna offer bc I feel bad getting characters for free!!

I can offer anyone here for trade 

I can also offer art or points, or a mix of both!!

Well I mean only the first 2 were free anyways so (I'll check later just wanted to inform u first)


I just looked, unfortunately there was no one I really liked and I also can't take points sorry!

Aa hmmm how about in this folder?

If nobody interested you I can offer art!

3 Replies

Made a bulletin! I'm just going to offer, but I may come back to write for the freebs.

Is there anyone in these folders that interests you for them, Frankie, 1928, Salton, and Peach Milk? I'm willing to do multiple trades if necessary.

Fair warning that I have a lot of ocs to look through.

I'm guessing you didn't see anyone you liked?

Sorry I haven't looked yet but I'll let you know later!

This user is not visible to guests. I like these two! if we're only allowed one, I like no-name-but-more-n's - Bulletin

I'm making a story that's, for now titled "heavens above" and the yellow/black guy (Thinking of naming Abysal) Really fits the role, just looking at him now, And I've been wanting/needing a role for one of the Gateguards angels, Pm a higher rank entrusted to watch over important people, or places, and I think He'd fit the role of someone given this rank, who secretly, but hesitantly goes against it! For the other one (Thinking of 'Basil' it was one of the name suggestions in his comments) He'd fit into either or both stories, of Heavens above as an acting mortal(demon angel or other disguised as a mortal to do things easier) also working in the rebellion, but also would fit in my 'highschool' story, as a friend of Henia,Oliver, Andy and co who's smart, and sort of quiet, but not afraid to joke around, and point out when someone's just being stupid(or openly insult people who are being AHoles like karens or general... yk. Aholes)

Quick bio for Abysal! He's a semi-serious big-brother-like guy who is aware of the wrong-doings of the Heavens. He's able to be light hearted and quiet, but he is strong, and if he thinks you're going to do something too dangerous, he is stepping in, and giving a firm no. He's strong, and can be pushy and intimidating if he needs to be.

Quick bio for Basil! I sorta already gave one, so I'll just do a Heavens-above specific one. It's relatively the same, but he's much more serious, and level headed. He know's how to keep a secret and has good memory, but isn't the strongest, In situations where he's caught, or face-to-face with aggressors, he wont do much good in a battle, other than to heal and tend to those who are stronger on their feet.

Both Abysal and Basil were born with a level-rank, Basil younger than Abysal, and also slightly lesser in rank, given the smaller job he has now. Abysal however impressed those who train the angelic, and helped Basil and other weaker, or lower-ranked heavens, stepping in as a lot of creatures' essential big brother, as he climbed ranks, learned new things about higher Heavens, and became trusted by the watchers. Basil, himself learned things about higher Heavens quite negatively, in the 'hiccup' and was one of few to leave the scene where bad secrets were revealed, unseen and unknown to the Watchers of higher Heavens and uhhh. Now Basil and Abysal work secretly against the Heavens, with the rest of the rebellion and uhh... I mean this is just a top of the head(sorta) idea I'll flesh it out and make it better if I get the chance ^^'

Anyways I don't think I have any memes SOBS


uh so basically i dont have many like💀 reasons i’d want any of these bc i usually come up with backstories later as i collect more characters but uh here i’ll give it a go 👍👍👍

Freebie thing - Ring, gender Male, Sexuality Unknown, an arrogant and stuck up space dog/cat/thing found by (my own characters) Rancid and Acid while away from their freind on a mission. Found by saturn and was dragged back to hikolo. Hikolo does not care and lets him stay so long as he causes no trouble.

orbit - Im not sure if i’d add him to the space story thing i have going on,, but if i did he would have something to do with being some higher than thou superior to hikolo

Vegas - yet another soace cat OR ALTERNATIVELY a friend for my sparkledog Jiro ❤️ (perhaps even gf 😏😏😏😏😏😏) she jus pretty bruh idk.

Heres your meme
lmk if that works lol

Uh orbits not free (offers) and Vegas is already pending

ok then what abt the first one??

I'm allowed to think abt it 

I’d like to use morph in the story I’m working on it’ll be in like a comic style possibly 4 to 5 panels and even little animations 

I’d keep the name morph it’ll add to their mysterious nature 

Morph goes by no labels and often likes to monologue like their in a sitcom 

No one knows why morph is so good at solving problems they just know morphs hecka interesting in what they do and the steps they take

Idk how to put memes

Not free, not in the void

My bad well can I offer on em I really like this character 

Yeah sure

I’d like to offer a couple scenes lighting shaded and simple gif animations 

I'll consider

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 Fibs || Bulletin || I really like their design! They also look like a very sweet and comforting character and I love how their design is simple but very cute and appealing! They also remind me of the Luca movie so that’s very comforting <33 || I will probably use them as a comfort character :] Maybe even in a story I’m writing that is water related/themed!! || I might keep their name as Fibs/Fibeau or change it to Luca or something similar! They are a male, and have a shy but playful kind of personality! Not too sure on background but probably something to do with living in/around the sea!! (Thanks for the opportunity!)

I want them both for the design!! They're both so pretty, and I especially have some fun ideas for Tigezei with the bright colors and 3rd eye. Eats a bug would be for my warriors world! As a desperately need new chars. Tigezei would be used as a Antagonist in my story The Strings of Life. They'd both be very lore heavy!! 

Starwish she/her 

Sweet, kind, caring

 Medicine cat, lilac clan, former Rouge! Hates the violence between the patrols, and hopes to one day stop it, but feels helpless.

 Tigezei He/him 

Curious, jokster, guilt-trippy, wild-card, unpredictable, niave, guilt-ridden 

He's simply a card in the game. Working for the higher up gods, he's sent to the mortals world to.. serve some jobs! Haha. Hopefully he doesn't get in too many shenanigans :] N61m7pZ.jpg

skater possum crow !! - - hes a goofball that I’d doodle loads plus I love possums and monument valley so yeahhh - short comics with bad humor, doodling, general art, stories, minor mascot :) - Rex, he/him (male), really not that smart but is the class clown, lives in a secret level of monument valley in a town and enjoys screaming at the player, he’s lived there for three years and his level is quite chaotic. - 1-DB02147-3301-48-AE-A86-F-766-EEDEFE649 || || REALLY CUTE DESIGN I LOVE THE COLORS SOBS- || probably in one of my stories! Or I’ll make them a separate character, although he could fit nicely in Rabbit Stew,,,, || Nutmeg, Male, Sweet and calm? Idk yet really but something along those lines! I have no clue about the backstory yet but it’s probably gonna be edgy lmao- || 69521907_6Sx9Caiu30SGSlr.jpg

We all love an edgy backstory!!

Can I get more than one character? :0

Yea probably

W just gimme a sec (1), (2), (3) - - because (in no specific order) I need new characters, I need a new sona, and THEY'RE ADORABLE - stories/personal art - 1: Felix, he/they, plays volleyball AND piano, basically a sona SKJDHJKF - 2: Percy, they/them, works at a music shop in the Kingdom of Stars in my little universe - 3: Ivy, they/she, botanist and helps with gardening in the little universe - uhhhh goo goobie? idk

This user is not visible to guests. / / they are rlly comforting to me and I’m feeling a connection! I’ve wanted them since u first designed them and I’ve been drawing anthros more :D and I wanna make them into a puppet /  mallow, they/them, quiet, subtle, and not into talking! They just live amongst The clouds / IMG_4485.jpg // // the colors r so pretty and i love the patterns sm too!! // Azure, Tundra, Nebula, im not 100% sure yet - he/they - associated with cold, winter, darkness - Part of a group of 5 deities that go missing due to unknown circumstances, and later on some explorers find him frozen solid inside a cave. (this story is still a major wip so idk what happens after this) // idk how to insert images into here

are there any ocs you see in my toyhouse that interest you for this character?

no sorry

cookie cake - bulletin - i love their colors and design sm their adorable - id use em as a silly oc and maybe make them a mainline oc - name: cookie / he/they / demiboy / kinda silly - sob

just bear in mind theyre of a species (dough paws, my species) so please dont trade them or anything without letting me know!

alright !!! ^^ TY :3 \\ \\ HE LOOKS SO FLIPPING CUTE IMA DIE- OH I love his design and colors ESPECIALLY HIS GOGGLES ASDGJ- his design looks similar to my character Clepto! \\ Maybe for a webcomic I will make in the long future, he would be a comedic side character lol! \\ Oskar or Bat, He/Him, Very happy and outgoing, is a trouble maker half of the time, is a machine. I love this dude with my whole heart and would be so happy if I got this lil guy 😭💓✨

Oh yeah I forgot to mention he’s 9! (May change to 8 or 7 though haha)

dusty carpet  // bulletin // i’ve been looking for more anthro characters and i love the design // anthro and cat drawing practice // cichlid aka cc (may change), she/it/xe, she’s sweet but also smart and cunning and tends to be a bit of a troublemaker. xe appears to always be on a sugar rush. it really enjoys fruit and fields, and if she’s not running around somewhere, xyr probably in a deep sleep. some of her interests include word puzzles, trivia, riddles, and anything that challenges her. it is learning to skateboard and often falls; which combind with her clumsiness leads to a great chance of xem having bandages whenever you see her.

Nevada pls I love her so much || || Calico cats are my favorite breed, so she's automatically scoring points- plus her design is really pretty, I really love calico-themed characters and the little green color pops are so pretty ;0; || I'd use her in a new story I'm thinking about, it would have cats and sci-fi and maybe some aliens and possibly some chaos || Nevada - She/any, she's chill - Extroverted, reckless, very brave, extremely loyal to their friends, risk-taker, rule-breaker - Well I cannot reveal much due to the story being a secret right now but she's a spy in a sci-fi world at war, and must try and convince the other side that she's one of them. || my love  

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There's a form

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This user's account has been closed. , and Dino from if that’s okay? If not then just the first one <33 - <— !! <3 - For the first one, I immediately knew they had to be a comfort sona!! It looked so soft and sweet, and lately I’ve been looking everywhere for a comfort sona, but I haven’t found one, and this one looks perfect <33 and for the second one, they look so funky and cool :o I feel like they could fit into a silly prehistoric story that would be so fun to write! Like them doin funky stuff with the dinosaurs >:3 - For #1: Name | Pigeon | Gender | All pronouns except for she/her - they/them mainly | Personality | Shy, Caring, Sweet- I can add more for sure <3 | Backstory | Well, since there a comfort sona, they don’t really have one?? But they’re a baker who lives in the countryside, they own a small bakery and they can communicate with birds :> | <- that miiight work? || And for Dino: Name | Nuggie, but you can call them Dino he doesn’t mind | Gender | Demiboy, He/They!! | Personality | Silliest creature on earth, they’re funny and goofy and they get himself into trouble alot of the time… but they always get out of it hehe | Backstory | Uh uh so basically they accidentally time traveled like into the prehistoric times, and they kept almost getting eaten but eventually they got used to it and made friends with the dinosaurs there, and now the dinosaurs and nuggie just live together doin’ silly things lol | <— that also might work?? I’M SO SORRY THIS IS SO LONG AAA- I just had ideas hehehaeha- but yeah thanks for reading :oo <33

Oh and if I can only get one, if I get accepted I would just like Pigeon! But If I can get more then one then I still wanna have both :o /nf

Oh and if I can only get one, if I get accepted I would just like Pigeon! But If I can get more then one then I still wanna have both :o /nf

Ahh sorry, double posting on accident!! And I’m sorry for flooding your inbox lol- but is it ok with you if I expand on Pigeon’s backstory?

Hi! I’m expanding on Pigeon’s backstory, I’m so sorry if I wasn’t supposed to do it here! You can delete this comment if I did something wrong. Pigeon used to live in a very busy city by the name Charlie. Yet they never knew that, because when they had only just been born, its parents had been kidnapped? I’m still working on it 🥸 but he had no one to take care of them, leaving them helpless. A bird, a pigeon to be exact, had flown in the open window hoping to find some scraps. What it found instead was a small, hungry dog. The bird fed it what the bird had been able to find previously, and Pigeon’s stomach soon had to harden quickly in order to survive. After a few days of going back and forth with the pigeon feeding Pigeon, or Charlie, scraps, Pigeon had learned to walk early and had even opened their eyes. The bird was happy, but it knew their flock couldn’t take care of Pigeon. The flock was constantly losing and gaining members, making it nearly impossible to take care of Pigeon. So the bird taught Pigeon their language, and Pigeon soon learned how to speak with birds. Charlie was soon renamed Pigeon, which suited it a lot better. But during this time, Pigeon never thought they were a bird. They were always aware they were a dog. They never knew their parents, and they often wonder who they were. They live in the abandoned apartment that their family used to live in, wandering the floors and picking up scraps wherever they could. That’s pretty much it, they meet some more characters later but for now my hands hurt 😭

AY omg thank you… I will treasure them

Tally- will do! - I love corgis!- main sona! - QUICK BIO (Tally,female, sweet, unsure…will probably decide later!) - put a meme picture idk

Id love tally!

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Yo sorry you need the rest of the form stuff for the second character too

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Their jacket is so fly, I love the patterns and have been meaning to draw more detailed patterns. I think they could be a mascot for a corp.

There's a form - - I like their color pallete :D - probably art, I’ll most likely redesign them if I got them :) - I‘m so bad at making bios for characters, literally my favorite oc doesn’t even have a name ;0; I’d make the backstory and etc. once/if I get the character - I love weirdcore designs and really like the palette - I will probably have them be a main character in a weirdcore world I’m drafting - bio: fleur - it/xe - aggressive, issues with anger but has a soft spot for certain things, was formerly a rejected imaginary friend, then got jealous and trapped the kid in a stuffed animal it carried around - uhhh amongus