image.png☆ Making some changes! ☆

Hi!! People here (and  everywhere, really) may know me as ashimadu/ashimadudraws! And that's  still me, of course, but I've decided to make a deeply contemplated  decision and go forward with rebranding myself to a new name:  SylvieSparks! I'll be taking the time to change my username across all of my socials (Except for discord if you've added me on there) to the new one, (or variations of it if it's already taken.)

I do want to make it clear that you can very much still call me Ashi, Ash, Madu, Madudraws, or whatever you may have grown to call or nickname me. That's still me, and it'll likely always be me! But this overall  name change is a step in a fresh direction with myself and my content (which I'd like to start sharing more!)
Anywho!! I hope this change isn't too jarring, and I hope that this change will motivate me to extend my reach past  personal close friend servers and start sharing my ideas more publicly! I'll probably be coming out with a new list of my socials so that they're all in one place for easy access!

Thank you for understanding!! I hope you have a good day!!


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