design help!!

Posted 9 months, 20 days ago by Akita_t33th

im having trouble designing some elmd characters so if anybody is willing to do a design trade with me that'd be very appreciated! i can only do feral animals 

what I'm looking for is:

Non-binary Rottweiler baker, Transmasc punk Dobermann, theatre-based Afghan Hound and a jewellery based Blue Heeler!! comment if interested :]




uhm I could help with watchya looking for!

Tho sorry to bother you!

i could prob do the heeler or the dobermann

sorry for the late response!! i'd like to see what you could with the Dobermann :]

alrighty, i might be able to work on it tomorrow or later tonight

so hope thats alright with you!

thats alright!

does this work?

hes perfect! tysm 🥺




do you need my design prefs or-

if thats not any trouble!! this was a design trade so if you want i can design smth for u in return :]

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