questions thing

Posted 10 months, 18 hours ago by vinsmoke

stolen from ChaoticCoyote

What‘s your name?: estherrrrr

What’s your gender and pronouns?: girl 😍😍 she/her

What’s your orientation?: i dont relaly care but bi or something

What are you?: ballsack

Do you have any hyperfixations?: no

Who’s your favorite character?: vinsmoke sanji hes my little pookie wookie i lvoe him

What’s the worst thing you’ve hyperfixated on?: no

What’s the last game you played?: texas chainsaw massacre game w my sister

What’s your zodiac sign?: aries i think

Do you have pets?: my ugly cat named stinky IMG_6268.jpg

How many plushies do you have?: ummmm i have like. 4 on my bed but i only sleep w one LOL i have a lemur, an obyn greenfoot, a chopper law, and a sanji chopper 😇😇 my fav is the sanji chopper ive had him for 3 years 

What’s the stupidest reason you’ve cried?:  idk LOL

What’s your opinion on mullets?: no

What’s your favorite flavor of ice cream?: umMm vanilla cause im basic

What’s your favorite subject in school?: none of them

Can you drive?: no

Who’s your favorite music artist?: john k samson and ghost

What’s your favorite album from them?: UMM from john.. probably winter wheat and from ghost i love infestissumam

Who’s a character you understand more than anyone else?: sanji im the biggest sanji fan i love whole cake island i think about sanj all day 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤

How evil are you?: im soo innocent😇

How good are you?: 😇

What’s your opinion on stickers?: very cool. i wnat more one piece stickers

What’s your opinion on bugs?: pls kys i hate bugs

What’s your favorite subculture fashion?: idk 


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