GoodVibes_Argo BLACKLIST

Posted 8 months, 1 day ago by GoodVibes_Argo

The list here is all the accounts I personally feel uncomfortable around. This list is updated when needed and I am not required to explain why they're on the blocklist. You’re welcome to look into them more if you can.
These people are to never contact me, obtain my designs, or block evade to gain access to my work or own my designs.

Cafeteria_hotel/Doroseyyn/Any other name they use: NSFW ACCOUNT - This person is incredibly childish and immature, with a frequent usage of slurs without making the effort to educate himself on them. A mutual block has been made between us. Fans of him are on thin ice.
peepee189/dorrrzxx/Any other name they use: Alt account for Doroseyyn. Reason above.
BronzeAgeFox/Any other name they use: This person is incredibly impatient for my liking, wants his work to be a priority for the artist, even over IRL issues and stuff. 
Artemia-Pyre/JadeCopycatDeath/xYStormWolfYx/Any other name they use: Repeated tracing and harrassment.
absintherain/Any other name they use: Has repeatedly scammed people out of money. I don't want you near my stuff.
CHAZMAZDA/Any other name they use: Causing unneeded stress, copying designs and refusing to change said copied designs when asked.
Dazqei/jaidascribbles: Has taken over multiple closed species without any sort of agreement and changed things without the OG owners permission. Has been banned from many of them due to this.


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