
Posted 9 months, 4 days ago by S4ndwitch3s

Welcome to the Quest Board!

Looking to earn rewards while doing tasks? Take up one of the offered listings here! Be warned though, for some can be tricky.

Quests can only be completed once and make sure to check each ones requirements before starting!

Normal Quests

Pest control! 


On your way to Dally's Market, you accidentally ran into the Delcatty just as you got to the front door. She barely seems to notice you there as she paces around outside her shop, muttering to herself. 

Once you ask her what's wrong she tells you that 'the pesky ferals have invaded her Market'... Whatever that means. She asks you to get rid of the ferals and you greatly accept. You check inside and are shock to see a pair of Rattatas rummaging through everything, giving off a strange dark aura as their eyes shine a bright red.

For completing this quest you'll be given 1000p and the 'Shadow essence' item that will allow you to turn any pokemon you have into a shadow pokemon, it's only a one time use so use it wisely.


- At least a colored half body of your PKMN fighting/scaring the Rattatas off from the Dally's shop.

- 350 words or more of your PKMN fighting/scaring the Rattatas off from the Dally's shop.

Difficult quests

Not added yet


Quest: Pest Control!

Quest Art:


"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"
"I can not thank you enough.. Here, take this for your help!"

{+1000P and x1 Shadow Essence has been added to your inventory.}

Pest Control!
Quest Art:


"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"
"I can not thank you enough.. Here, take this for your help!"

{+1000P and x1 Shadow Essence has been added to your inventory.}