finally watching atla

Posted 3 years, 11 months ago by sweetbunberry

overall thoughts on atla

8 Votes top show of all time
5 Votes it's p good
0 Votes neutral / never watched
0 Votes bit overrated
1 Votes disliked it. would not rec

y'all i've existed for 19+ years and haven't watched atla until this a few days ago and let me tell you

it's so damn good... i could go on forever about it but i don't want to clog up your screen

tell me who your top three favorite characters are in the comments please i love hearing this stuff... also i'm only 3.1 so please don't spoil anything i beg of you i've stayed spoiler-free for so long


best character?

sokka w his hair down

thats all

also zuko

honestly i just got a haircut and when my hair is up i could do a modern sokka look... and when it's down it's Frizzy Sokka.

and yes zuko

i only just finished the series two days ago and i'm still recovering