Regarding DNIs and Content (CW)

Posted 4 years, 2 months ago by Skiftdom

Hey! so uh, recently I've been getting a couple people around my profile with DNI lists, and I am perfectly okay with that! however a lot of DNIs im finding are stuff that can possibly apply to me or a close friend of mine ;; I'm not one to make DNI lists but I should warn that my content DOES contain sensitive topics such as abuse, non-consent, murder /cannibalism/ suicide/ death, "human" trafficking/slavery, self harm etc, etc. I do NOT support these and these topics are only for story purposes, and to cope with my past traumas. I am in no way trying to make these topics look "cute" or romanticize these in any way. So I do recommend for people who are sensitive to these such topics to turn away, for my story I am currently writing WILL be very dark and upsetting.

I also DO have a very dark and offensive sense of humor, I try my best not to joke too much publicly but my characters will be bound to have a couple dark jokes here and there.

I also do not recommend following me if you have names in your DNI list. I'm sorry. theres not much i can say but as of now, there is not really any names that upset me, so I would hate to upset anyone with a name that triggers them. You're very much free to follow me regardless but this is just a fair warning.

I hope this post isnt too much of an issue, I'd just hate to try too hard to make myself appealing to everyone that follows me (cause I cant) and I also care about the well-being of my follower's mental health.


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