species help!

Posted 9 months, 18 days ago by muncher

i wanted to work on my own closed species and was wondering if you guys had any suggestions! they’re called liminal-ghosts and are created by fear that drives people into the area between reality and imagination. each has an item they latch on to, typically based on their theme (area they’re in) for example a toy in an abandoned shop

i want more ideas for them + was wondering if anyone wanted to be a designer or guest artist once i open up a discord server!


I'd be down to be a designer/GA :O

Hey I'd be down to spitball some design ideas/suggestions or be a designer

My discord is linked here!

that sounds like a cool Idea! i'd be down to be a GA/designer once it opens :D!

This sounds so fun! I'll always be open to be a GA/Designer/Whatever you need! Csn you ping me when the discord goes up?

I’ve worked in a ton of different species before! (Bellsnappers, spiritualpacks, etc) ^^ I’d happily be a designer/ GA for the species if needed. Though if you’re looking for design examples my most recent ones art on the th account HAUMEA.

I’ll go out on a limb and say I’d be open to be a designer/gen artist/guest artist if you’re ever looking for another one. I tried to make my own semi-closed species before and it kinda went up in flames so I made it open for everyone (lol) I still enjoy looking at species though 😭 

THIS SOUNDS AMAZING!! I'd love to help with lore related things and I'd love to be a designer or a GA at some point too!!

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erm.... i could make you a logo 4 da species??

omg sure that would be awesome<3!!


literally crunches you. lmk what u think ^___^ if u could leave me a review or smth it would be rly cool!!!!!!

ITS SO COOL THANK U SM !!!! i gave u a review!

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They're very interesting ! 👀👀 Maybe they also create other liminal ghosts by luring people into the spaces or have these little normal ghosts that "feed" their energy with every person that's been pulled into a liminal space by them? Giving the possibility that weaker liminal ghosts just might be more passive or good natured because they aren't innately malevolent or seeking out people to lure (accidents mostly 😔).

And I wouldn't mind offering to be a guest artist. (〃〃)

maybe theyre made of/made stronger by phobias (maybe of the thing that theyre attached to, like the more its feared, the more powerful they are- example being one thats attached to an old clown doll that a lot of people say gives them the "creeps", and so they're more powerful than one thats attached to something like a beloved plush, or something like that ) ? just a small idea i had off the top of my head

and id love to be a designer once you open up the discord !! its sounds fun, and this concept is neat ! :3