My profile is kinda boring so I’m tryna add some stuff, I just edited a few folders + added more so I gotta move around characters n stuff, if anyone has some simple + easy codes as well I’d appreciate if you sent em to me since I’ve never done a code before and I wanna learn how :)


Hi Bestie ^^ 

I've got a few codes that are nice and beginner friendly and are easy to use ^^ 

I've been using these ones for character profiles: 

And then for actual profile stuff I've been using these ones: 

Hope these help and are useful ^^

Tysm! :D

Anytime bestie ^^

I’d recommend this ( for an easy beginner code as it tells you what to edit and is small enough to not get overwhelming. Good luck with learning to use codes! Edit: this is a character code, not a profile code btw

Tysm!! :D